Microsoft just made Windows 10 worse, and there's (almost) nothing you can do about it

My concern is New Outlook replacing Classic Outlook (not Mail & Calendar). New Outlook is to Classic Outlook as Notepad is to Word, with a bunch of broken UI elements to boot (e.g., can't right-click or use the Menu key on the keyboard to correct misspelled words like Windows built-in apps and all third-party apps that support real-time spell checking, can't use to touch to scroll the folder list, can't drag and drop messages to folders that don't fit on screen if the folder list is longer than fits in the window). All of these are just WTF!? kind of problems. I don't think these are "subjective" complaints. These are objectively terrible UI decisions or bugs.

I know they're not forcing New Outlook to replace Classic Outlook yet, but they're hinting that it's coming. It's so far from feature complete, it's nowhere near ready for that. For example, I depend on rules that assign categories to incoming messages for work. No way to do that in New Outlook. I use macros and some object linking and embedding. Not only is there no way to do that in New Outlook, nothing even similar to that could be possible with a web app -- it requires native code to call via OLE or DDE.

This is one of the worst things that MS has done. And it makes me sad, because I think Teams, in contrast, is just about the best thing they've ever built, right up there with Windows and Excel. To do the exquisite work in creating Teams and also making the burning trash heap that is New Outlook in such proximity is giving me whiplash.
I know they're not forcing New Outlook to replace Classic Outlook yet, but they're hinting that it's coming.
No hinting sadly. Classic Outlook will stop being supported in 2029.

New Outlook is better than the POS Windows Mail/Calendar and fine for consumers. but as a replacement for Classic Outlook it doesn't even start as a competitor.

Like a lot of people, I refuse to move to it from Classic Outlook. Which is a solid email app.

It's not going happen buy it would be nice if MS brought Google Calendar support to it, like they have Windows Calendar and New Outlook.
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