Microsoft team member hints that Windows 10 Mobile is 'ready'

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013

One of Microsoft's Windows 10 Mobile team members has posted a short but sweet hint that the mobile OS is about ready for its official launch,

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
What happened to this story? It was there, and then gone.

Wonder if they got a request from MS to take it down?
either someone decided they didnt need it anymore as the PC build is now in slow ring (doesnt make sense as the post was about mobile build) or...
the person who tweeted it, shouldnt be tweeting it.... or
windows central has inside info on mobile build coming TODAY :)
10586 was the rumored "RTM" build, and it coming to PC slow ring may be the first hint at it coming out today or tomorrow for mobile?
my guess is just that - today/possibly tomorrow...
this slow ring build update is not going to tax their servers...
and they know they can service both desktop and mobile builds in one day (last one was just that)

and dont know about anyone else, but its been AWFULLY quiet on twitter for the people i follow.... daniel, paul thurrott, brad sams, mary jo foley...
the quiet before the storm?
It was just 4 days ago that they released 10585 to the Fast Ring. Good signs.

And yes, I agree that it's been pretty quiet recently.
Surprised they haven't locked this thread yet. Or deleted it, like the story.

Ooo, maybe they were told "take down the story, because we'll have a better one for you soon". I guess that's what you meant by having insider info about it releasing today.
It's also boosting our "like" count. :P

Hope it comes out today, and the 950s are launching this week. That second one is probably just a pipe dream, though.
i specifically dont know what you are referring to when you mention like counts...

I just did my usual daily check of ATT and microsoft store websites...
nothing has changed... still "coming soon" for the 950 and the 950XL and no prices for the 950 at all...
seems strange they dont have a price to put there as it was published to be 549USD.

maybe ATT hasnt decided - or doesnt care....
fyi - im an ATT subscriber, wishing i was on TMo, but dont want to go to TMo until i have teh 950XL which supports Band 12
Musicman247... I like your enthusiasm, it's contagious! Go WM10!
YEAH! It's about time we start supporting this platform instead of tearing it down all the time! We're getting a FREAKING BEAST of a phone in just a couple weeks! Get excited!
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!


Where is my tin foil hat, damn it!?


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