Microsoft's Cortana piggybacks on Alexa's success as Google Assistant matures

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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As the digital assistant battle rages on, Microsoft is positioning Cortana to piggyback on Amazon Alexa's success while Google Assistant becomes more "human."
Microsoft called Cortana the world's most personal digital assistant in 2014. Unique features like person-based reminders and a notebook function patterned after real assistants gave fans high hopes for the assistant.

These features, along with references to her highly advanced counterpart from the Halo video game franchise, added to fans' anticipation of what Cortana could ultimately become. Ironically, four years later it is Google Assistant that is evolving the human-like qualities associated with the Cortana of video-game lore rather than Microsoft's creation.
During Google's 2018 I/O developer conference, the company introduced Google Duplex, an amazing AI system that enables Assistant to call a business and make appointments for users via natural conversation indistinguishable from human speech. Though controversial, this progression toward becoming a more "human-like" assistant is what many would expect of a digital assistant's evolution.

Conversely, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Cortana Javier Soltero said, "we are starting to tell a different story about Cortana."

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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