Misfit Shine Pairing


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Picked up (4) Misfit Shine's for the family for Christmas.

The kids have iPhone's connect & sync fine (tested late last night), my HTC One (M7) finds and pairs fine. Our HTC 8XT's running 8.1 (1 official 8.1 from HTC, 1 8.1 DP), BT 4.0 has been on the 8XT since GDR3.

No matter what I've tried, the 8XT's will not find the Shine, my MS Band sync's fine, BT Speakers work, etc, etc. Is the Shine/Misfit software the issue? Going to be tough to hand out 2 of them if they won't work with our phones...

Anyone getting theirs to work?

BTW...I was able to purchase the Shine's for $45/ea from Target yesterday...killer deal with price matching, stackable coupon's, etc. I tried to post that info on Connectedly, but posts are waiting for some type of approval?

Picked up (4) Misfit Shine's for the family for Christmas.

The kids have iPhone's connect & sync fine (tested late last night), my HTC One (M7) finds and pairs fine. Our HTC 8XT's running 8.1 (1 official 8.1 from HTC, 1 8.1 DP), BT 4.0 has been on the 8XT since GDR3.

No matter what I've tried, the 8XT's will not find the Shine, my MS Band sync's fine, BT Speakers work, etc, etc. Is the Shine/Misfit software the issue? Going to be tough to hand out 2 of them if they won't work with our phones...

Anyone getting theirs to work?

BTW...I was able to purchase the Shine's for $45/ea from Target yesterday...killer deal with price matching, stackable coupon's, etc. I tried to post that info on Connectedly, but posts are waiting for some type of approval?

People have said that having other wearables paired to the same phone stuffs around with the app, which is also very, very buggy. I've been using the Misfit app on my phone for just over 3 weeks, and even when paired the sync operation is buggy and sometimes wipes the progress on my Shine. I just downloaded the Misfit app for Windows 8.1 (on my SP2), and syncing seems to be more reliable on that, plus data syncs over between the two apps through the Misfit cloud. I'd recommend syncing with the Windows 8.1 app for now until some serious bug fixes are issued for the WP8.1 version.
Yeah, I did try removing the Band from my DP 8.1 SP2 phone. No dice there either. So, its likely that the Shine and my BT 4.0 enables phones won't talk...bummer.

Thanks for the response.
I received this response from Misfit Support today. I'm glad to hear they're aware of the issues and are working on it. Always a good thing to hear they're supporting WP!

[FONT=Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif]Thank you so much for your support and love for our products. We are terribly sorry for your rough experience syncing Shine with Windows app. We are very aware of the problems that our Windows users are having to go through and our technical team is trying to fix the problem as soon as possible. Please accept our sincerest apology for this.
[FONT=Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif]In the mean time, I would personally suggest you to keep syncing Shine with an iOS or an Android device for best results of syncing.
[FONT=Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif]Thank you very much for your kind understanding.
[FONT=Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif]
Best regards,

Misfit Support Team
Had anyone had any luck with the 'Secret' hidden menu on the Misfit app? (open settings, double tap on 'Settings')

Still unable to find the Shine ;-|
Had anyone had any luck with the 'Secret' hidden menu on the Misfit app? (open settings, double tap on 'Settings')

Still unable to find the Shine ;-|

It worked for me, but now the Misfit app completely refuses to launch on my phone at all -.-
How typical of a company. Sorry we put out a **** effort on our app but we don't care so go buy a different phone so we don't have to fix it.
How typical of a company. Sorry we put out a **** effort on our app but we don't care so go buy a different phone so we don't have to fix it.

Well actually, the Windows 8.1 app is very promising. And I've talked with one of the people inside Misfit, and most of the main features are expected to be released early next year on both apps
It obvious that the Misfit app needs improvement, so I'm willing to wait a little bit...I do have a MS Band to play with, and am just pairing my Shine to my HTC One (m7) for now.

(I do completely remove the MS Band from my 8XT when attempting to pair to the Shine...but again, its not even discovered by my phone...)

I honestly prefer the less intrusive Shine over my Band (I have to take the Band off a lot to keep it from being damaged when crawling around my classic car project) and would likely move to a Shine exclusively once the app becomes usable on WP.

Just need an app that works in order to do that...

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