MMS not working


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Hi I updated to mango using the force method and my phones been fine but lately I cant seem to ever receive MMS. I get a MMS and basiclly it says click here to get media. So I click here and it doesnt do anything all it does is move it to the bottom of the thread as if I just receieved it. This has happened 2 times to me from 2 difernt people using differnt phones. So far MMS has worked once from me. Has anybody also encountered this problem and any fixs or ideas to try
is your cell data on? I use wifi-only but have to turn cell data on to receive media through MMS. I get that message otherwise.
I checked my data connection is on still didnt work. I tried turning my wifi on and connecting and it still didnt work
I'm having the exact opposite issue.....I tried sending my brother a pic yesterday and it failed.... related perhaps?
Possibly but It could of just been your location and not having a data connection possibly. I would try again and make sure you have data connection
it was at home and I have a good signal it must be something else for me....probably a reset is needed..(ugh)....
Yea reseting sucks but its not as bad as it used to be. with the whole online marketplace it tells you every app you have ever downloaded so its not too hard to reinstall them all. And Im hoping I dont have to reset mine to fix this stupid MMS thing. Quick question though. Did you force the Update? Im thinking it might be that
my MMS started working today, no troubleshooting or anything, just got one to show up, so I went back to the one from yesterday and it came up too
thats weird. I tried again and still not working. Lucky lol. Whats weird though is that 2 people's didnt worked but one persons did. Could it be the phone and how its sending it maybe?
I haven't changed anything, but when I got home it allowed me to get the MMS. I have wifi at home, so it seems like there is a setting somewhere that's only allowing it via MMS. I'll have to look into it a little deeper.
So I'm having an issue with sending MMS. I've noticed that restarting the phone (Not a hard reset, just turning it off and on) will resolve the issue temporarily. Annoying and certainly needs a fix, but at least there's a temporary workaround.
I have the same issue on my Arrive as well. I did force update to mango, so maybe it's related somehow? but the work around for me is turning on airplane mode, wait a few seconds and turn it off. this has worked for me everytime. sounds like it's a data connection issue. This method is easier than having to re-boot your phone.
this definitely has something to do with WiFi, I started having the issue a couple days ago on my Radar, it just wont receive or send mms while I'm connected. Turning off the wifi seems to do the trick.

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