Monkey see Monkey do

Kevin Hill2

New member
Jul 16, 2014
I get the biggest kick out of reading and listening to people Talk about why this phone or that phone this OS or that OS is better and all they are really doing is repeating what they have read or heard. I try to pin them down about why they like the phone they use and why they got it to start with, most of them got what all their friends have or coworkers use and most if not all have never even tried using a different OS, but they all can tell you how bad the others are and defend the one they use to the death without even really knowing why they like it better. My friends and coworkers are no different I was the lone Windows user and the **** of many a joke and ribbing, I updated to a M8 Windows phone last year and my wife updated as well so we had two Windows phones just sitting at home doing nothing a 920 and a 1520. As it turns out my friends and coworkers are all mostly on the same network so I had an idea I talked my friends into putting thier Sim card in to one of our Windows phones and trying them out for a few weeks. Not all of them loved it but no one hated it,over 50% of them swithched over to Windows phones, but they all got thier eyes opened. I'm not saying Windows is for everyone and neither is Apple or Android, What I am saying is, just becouse your friends scratch thier behind with their left hand that don't mean you have to.


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
I've given several people a "7 day challenge", and so far they are all still on Windows Phone, now permanent converts from Android, and one from iPhone.

A 30 day challenge is better, but few people will commit to use it as a primary for that long, nor did I want to give up my "backup phone" for that long of a period.

Yeah, trying it as a primary phone for a bit will open a lot of eyes. If everyone in the US was forced to do a 30 trial, the US would raise from 3% to 60% is my best guess.

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