More and more! WP7 popping up

Wiccan Lagar

New member
Aug 17, 2011
so lately I have been seeing more and more WP7 popping up.

In the beginning when i was first switching carriers I sat on the train for my evening commute when an older gentleman (in his 60s if not older) pulled out his HD7. That was the first time i saw WP7 and sparked my interest.

Then the other morning, some one pulled out his HD7 on the train. Later that evening a man on the train saw my phone and said "holy cow! Another windows phone!" and proceeded to whip out his focus.

My coworker has one now, my manager is looking into one and some guys in my building are really interested and amazed by it.

The other night i was in a bar and all my friends pulled out their iPhones and tried comparing it to my DVP and they were floored at the speed of my device.

I think it's time my friends....a time for WP7 to stand up! Rise against the others and yell "this is....sparta!"

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Then proceed to kick an ugly person off a hill or something...

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I'm still the only one here... but I'm currently converting people (and kind of successful at it). We need to start a WP revolution!
all my friend think my phone is great , but no one wants to buy it...

even my buddy who has ALL MS gear (xbox,pc ect.. ) i had showed him the WP last year and he loved it and even said he would get one.... he ended up buying a dam Iphone 4s full price instead ... :S...... just wish i could convert more people.... they are all hard headed Ifanboys
Haven't seen many at all myself unfortunately. However, coming from an iPhone 4, and primarily iPhone for the past few years, I really love WP7. I recently got a Focus but it got some water damage and now I'm back using my i4. I am not thrilled at all going back to the i4 after using my Focus for just a week. Love WP7 and can't wait for future updates.
all my friend think my phone is great , but no one wants to buy it...

even my buddy who has ALL MS gear (xbox,pc ect.. ) i had showed him the WP last year and he loved it and even said he would get one.... he ended up buying a dam Iphone 4s full price instead ... :S...... just wish i could convert more people.... they are all hard headed Ifanboys
That's interesting that although he loved the WP you showed him, he still went for the iPhone. The store probably steered him to it.
On my last business trip I was in the airport bar and the guy next to me pulled his out. I was shocked at how it looked.... I sheepishly put my iphone back into my pocket ashamed of how it looked in comparison. He had an HD7.
On my last business trip I was in the airport bar and the guy next to me pulled his out. I was shocked at how it looked.... I sheepishly put my iphone back into my pocket ashamed of how it looked in comparison. He had an HD7.
I see what you did there ;)
I was at an aquarium watching them feed sea lions and the mom standing next to me kept checking the time... On an hd7
I saw a guy with a brand new out of box HD7 at a bus stop in feb (had the box with him still), saw someone else on a bus with an HD7 a week or so ago. Now im in the computer lab at my school and i also see someone across from me with an HD7
This kid I've sat next to all semester long pulled out a Focus. I was like, WTF?!

Also, my co worker has a Focus.
Zero sightings for me -- Appleton/Green Bay, WI area. However, I just bought my wife a Focus Flash...Hopefully she likes it.

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