More Realisation The iPhone Is Past It ?

lol i like does articles....

im so happy i got a WP.... NO REGRETS! ZERO!!!

if i had a Iphone id porobly alredy be crying cause it broke.
i was going to post a similar thread, but my source is my 13 year old step daughter...

last year she was dying for an iPhone, it wasnt time for a renewal though, and her mom wasnt' paying full price....

anyhow, it's upgrade time, and we told her she good get an iPhone and she said she didn't really want one anymore, wanted an android..
It's great but hey Apple is Apple. and the hype that follows it. Iphone5 will be 4.0 or greater and they will say that apple invented it first. just didn't want added til now...

Most people who try this OS and use it with an open mind come walkaway saying and thinking the same thing. Dam this is one nice OS.
i was going to post a similar thread, but my source is my 13 year old step daughter...

last year she was dying for an iPhone, it wasnt time for a renewal though, and her mom wasnt' paying full price....

anyhow, it's upgrade time, and we told her she good get an iPhone and she said she didn't really want one anymore, wanted an android..

That's kids for ya! My niece wanted a Blackberry really bad. I am sure one of her friends got a hand me down Blackberry from her father, and everyone thought is was the coolest thing around.
I like how the writer gets blasted for being a WP lackey but CNET is a notorious apple hub.

Mangos taste better than apples!
Sorry, the article is rubbish. iPhone 4S is by far the hottest selling iPhone to date. iOS is still the measuring stick all other OS's are measured by, and with the shear amount of iPads, iPods, and iPhones, iOS continues to get unprecedented preferences from devs.

There are a lot of things I like about iPhone and iOS. It's fluid, smooth, simple, and the Apple ecosystem puts MS to shame. I do like the Windows 7 interface better, iOS does look a little dated, and the iOS 5 update I personally thought was needed, but disappointing. Everything updated was taken from Android or Cydia, nothing really original.

The iPhone 4S was a rather blah update overall but it did not stop it from smashing every other launch of iPhone by far.

My point is, nothing is stopping Apple, not even themselves with lame upgrades and updates. Apple could make a a pine air fresher and people would stand in line for a week to be the first to own it.

Meanwhile MS market share in the mobile phone world has slipped. Honestly that is the only statement that matters, market share. Until MS starts gaining in this market, like seeing over 2% again is a good start you cannot debate iPhone is losing steam when it is gaining more and more market share.
Buzz buzzkill ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming!

Mangos taste better than apples!

buzzkill it may be, the iPhones still holding #1 and #2 top phones sold in the USA (dunno about world overall) it still is.

In the end, the measuring stick more or less, is iOS. It's what Android desperately tries to copy (not much in Android I can think of, was not already in iOS and it's earlier Jailbreaking widgets/customization - say whatever to say about JB, stock Android ROMs, especially early on, were worse than anything else out there, more or less saved by... user flashing ROMs, lol), IMO. Only now is Google actually pushing for a more "unique" OS with ICS.
Top handset is fine, but Android has the majority of the market.

Apple has 3 iPhone models currently selling. Android, per manuf, has how many? Just Samsung alone, as at least 6 (slightly, admittedly) different "Galaxy" phones currently selling, in addition to the reference Nexus phones. HTC, at least... more, lol. Motorola, at least 4.

Apple iPhone, until somewhat recently, was also only avalible on AT&T.

Also, until recently, Android had a near deathgrip on (after carrier subsidy) "Free" smartphones. Now Apple has jumped into the mix (and WP7 :P), so I don't expect the "Android is dominating," to hold true through the end of this year. Maybe a majority, but no longer a simple majority.
Top handset is fine, but Android has the majority of the market.

And most of the Android guys are making buttons, volume is one metric but profit is more important and Apple hoovers up all the profit in the sector.

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If it wasn't for the free or near free phones I don't think android would have the market share it does. I know quite a few people that got cheap android phones because they didn't want to pay $200 for an iphone. I think once the iphone has been on Verizon and Sprint long enough to offer three iphones similar to what AT&T is able to do android's market share will decrease.
Everything changes. It wasn't very long ago that everyone was saying nobody could beat RIM and their Blackberry platform. We al know how that turned out. There will always be the next big thing.

Anyone who thinks they know what this market will look like in two years, is only kidding themselves.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
Android does dominate overall market share, but jeez, if you walk into any phone carrier they can show you a dozen droids at any given time. Even the smaller regional carriers like Cricket even offer droids of some kind. As do the prepaids like Boost and Virgin Mobile. iPhone until Febuary of this year had been on one USA carrier since 2007, offered no prepaid plan, and mandated you went on a more expensive iPhone plan. Android could not have done that, neither could MS.

I think MS's play is to uproot Android out of the lower end of the market. The sub $100 dollar end. MS just cannot go head to head with iPhone right now and to do would be foolish. But they do have a real shot of getting some droid people to switch. The iPhone's satisfaction of ownership is like over 85% - 95% depending on whichever poll you're looking at. Android is usually about half that. That's the market MS needs to target because they are not going to sway the iPhone people. Even I still have my iPhone along with my WP because I just can't let it go. It is too good.

Android owners on the other hand experience the 5 steps of grief for the most part.

Denial - My Droid is way better than iPhone!
Anger - Why does my 4 month old droid suck compared to the new HTC ____ or Samsung ___
Bargaining- My droid can do this... Oh iPhone can to? Well it can't do this! Oh, it does...
Depression - my phone sucks, I know it.
Acceptance - Hello mobile carrier, am I eligible for an upgrade? I heard the new iPhone is coming.

Every droid owner I know goes through this. WP satisfaction is also very high. Go for the low hanging fruit MS. the people who aren't looking for the new Samsung Galaxy whatever because they are hackers, go for the people who don't want to spend a lot on phones but enjoy the user experience WP offers, and the social aspect most people care about. That's the play here, and the recent penny sales seems to have kicked MS phone sales up to some extent.
When Nokia releases a true high end WP device and it fails, then Kahuna's argument will be valid. High end devices simply sell better than lower end. They're more coveted. They're just better.

Obviously MS is going after market share, and the lower end is certainly a big part of that. Nonetheless, top end product is what people ultimately want, and an ecosystem has to be able to provide it.

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