MSN Weather app warning


New member
Apr 18, 2013
My live tile is showing a weather warning icon (exclamation mark in circle).

But nowhere in the app can I find what this warning represents, am I missing something.

Without this its usless, is warning rain, snow, wind or indeed a plague of locust. ???

Oh, and it no longer updates the live tile as I move, have to open the app to get that to work.

Cheers guys.
Do you mean the details straight after the wind barometer humidity, or at the very bottom after scrolling.

Cant check now, weather warning passed.

Thanks for reply.
It is usually highlighted. In accuweather it is, although accu have completely hashed up the UWP. It's horrid! I use weather channel. I like it and the warnings are at the top of the screen. You have to be careful with push notifications though, or you will get one every five damned minutes.
Well, I think I now know what it should look like,

Got same warning on my live tile on LINX tablet, and main page showed a yellow banner with snow and ice warning.

If I remember, its how it looked in version on WP8.

Still don't know why it doesn't seem to work on WM10

It now seems to be fixed, not sure if its because of an update or the hard rest I did over weekend (one of many) but my weather warning for today is now showing up.

Another thing ticked of the list.

It now seems to be fixed, not sure if its because of an update or the hard rest I did over weekend (one of many) but my weather warning for today is now showing up.

Another thing ticked of the list.

All weather apps are fully remote controlled, even their live tiles too

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