Music in Mango

Glad you're loving your new Mangoised Trophy, no idea what's happening with your phone i'm afraid jamieknight989, but i've never had this happen to me.

I haven't heard anyone mentioning that problem before. I notice you are running 7712 and not the newer 7720 (RTM) build of Mango, not that that should make any difference but it might do, you never know.
yes mine does, htc hd7 user... and i havent had the problem, but my brothers has, sometimes his music is very quiet but when he opens up the lockscreen it gets loud again
Mine will do that if I have my phone plugged in and it hits fully charged. Its an odd thing, all I have to do is push play again, but thats the only time I've had it occur.
why dont you upgrade to 7720.68?

(which is likely what most of the rest of us are running)

I just upgraded to mango 7720.68 and I have a Trophy as well.. If I have any problems I will post back here
My Focus actually had started crashing a few times before I did Mango the official way.

Now it hasn't crashed once. It's very very stable.
Mine gets stuck after a while when using smart DJ and the phone locks up. I've been keeping count and I'm at 4 battery pulls.
I've had several freeze and reboots on RTM Mango but nothing due to the music player

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