Music + Video live tile


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Why doesn't this live tile actually update unless you go into the actual music player.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
It only updates when you play a different artist from the last that has imagery in the marketplace.
Yeah. Not a very lively live tile. Should update on the home screen when the song change.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Hey 1jaxstate1, you should change your signature in Board Express to Samsung focus instead of the model name and number. Just a thought. :-) Board Express is a great app.
Some mp3 albums I have added have tile background imagery while the most are grey. So at least there can be tile graphics for music not bought in the app store. But why no imagery then for most artists when they are are well represented in the app store?

Take my Chet Baker mp3 album which I have copied from an old computer. No live tile graphic. Lock screen os grey as well. The app store has background images for his albums. Nokia Music for some reason has background music for this album but hardly anything else I have added. But no album icon for some reason.

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