Must Have Apps for a Total Novice?


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Nov 7, 2011
I just bought a Focus S as a replacement for my recently bricked Blackberry Curve. I never used many apps on the BB, but I'm now ready to enter the 21st century. Any recommendations for general purpose apps would be much appreciated. Also, are any of the pre-installed AT&T (radio, navigator, etc.) or Samsung (Now) apps worth keeping or are there better alternatives?

Any other advice much appreciated as well, as I'm pretty much stumbling onto things as I go.

Im kinda the same, Im not really a huge app guy, but I like USA Today, Accuweather, Amazon, Free Ringtones, Google Search, IM+,, Netflix, ESPN and Epicurious. I have a handful of games too, I definitely dig the XBOX Live integration.
I like ESPN Scorecenter, Evernote, Flixster, Whatsapp (Kik and Groupme), Tasks, Supertube,, and my most used paid joke, the WPCentral app.
I have to say BBC new is the best app on the phone just the live tile integration and toast/push notifications is on point.

I also like Fuse gets all your news feeds with live tiles awesome APP for news

ESPN is ok really needs to be upgraded to Mango with Live tiles and push

USA today is also an excellent application

Flixster is pretty good

Those are my favourites
A few not mentioned NextGen Reader (for RSS), Facebook (as the hub is 3rd party and you may not see all updates from friends), Rowi for twitter, Taptitude and Wordament are a couple of free solid games.
USA Today, Weather (TWC), LazyTube, Pocket Recorder, FML, Urban Dictionary, AppFlow,, eBay

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
No mention of WPCentral and Board Express? :)
Also, Cocktail Flow is a must for it's awesome design and beauty.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Can't suggest specific applications, but for starting, try thinking of it systematically.
1. What apps/services are you using actively ? Then search for the apps in Marketplace.
2. What kind of activity do you want from your phone now (reading news, making notes, looking for recipe, shopping) ? Then categorize it and look for them in the marketplace. Easier than shooting blind.

After all set, just hang around the WP news sites for reviews and look around the "New" section in Marketplace. Your apps library would grow in time :)

Seconding posts above.
Get an RSS Reader, should be useful for most peoples frequenting often-updated websites. Those spam apps that do nothing but show RSS feed from single sites, avoid them like lepers.
And Board Express if you're active in forums.
I'd recommend

1. Weave (a one stop app for anything news related)
* The USAToday was just sluggish
2. WP7 News (Anything Windows phone 7 related)
3. Engadget
4. Fantasia Painter
* IMHO one of the best picture editing software in a phone :P
5. Flixter(For Movie info/reviews and such)

*WPCentral - i still haven't really tried it, but might sometime in the future base on the reviews.
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