My battery won't work with my phone anymore, help?

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Windows Central Question

So i took my battery out and connected it to a simple circuit and it was working normally. After i was finished with that i have put the battery back in the phone but my phone didn't show any signs of life. When i connect it to the charger it shows that the battery is empty and that it is charging.
The phone is Lumia 640.
Any help please?
How were you able to determine that the battery worked "normally" when you connected it to that simple circuit? The battery may have discharged, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it discharged "normally" since the circuit is different from the circuit of your phone.

The battery has been used beyond what it was designed for and is most probably broken. You may need to acquire a new battery either by having it replaced in the service center or through a warranty claim (if it will still be honored).
I did charge it for like 30 minutes or so. And it shows the sign of charging and as soon as i plug the charging cable off it dies and won't start

When you disconnected the charger what was the battery level on your phone?

Anyhow charge it longer. It may be totally discharged and in this case the charging takes longer.
And double check the battery is placed good in your phone (makes good contact) and the contact area's are clean.
And if after 2 hours still the same happens see the first answer on your initial question.
well i know the battery is still working because when i connect it to the circuit again the circuit works just fine.

Batteries will release energy in any circuit - having the circuit work doesn't mean that the battery is working as it should. Batteries in electronic devices are usually designed to output energy at a certain rate - going beyond that rate can damage the battery. It's possible that your circuit drew out energy at a higher rate than what the battery was designed for.

Nonetheless, try the advice of Harrie-S and attempt to charge the battery.
the third one?
well fu** hahaha..
i will try to charge it and if it doesn't work i will have to buy a new one i guess, i just don't know where.. i looked through e-bay and i can't find the battery.. Do you maybe know any shop that ships internationally? I am from Croatia...
So then it is not broken?

Empirical evidence shows it no longer functions properly. Sorry. It is your evidence. The battery will no longer power the phone even though it will power your circuit and appear to take charge when inserted in the phone...

Does Lumia not always boot when plugged into a charger? Does your Lumia boot when plugged into the charger with "experimental" battery in the circuit? That would show only circuit complete and Lumia might be running off of AC current... If Lumia will not boot or stay on solely under battery, the battery is compromised. Ipso facto.
And be aware if the security circuit is damaged you may overload the battery so keep an eye on it if it's charging in your phone.

Furthermore check which type of battery the 640 has. Maybe it's the same as another phones battery.

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