Windows Central Question
Hello, I am trying to update my computer to windows 8.1 from windows 8. It is telling me to go to my settings and update my computer first but when i go to do that it just keeps giving me the loading circle. I have tried waiting and setting the computer down for a bit to see if it would pop up but it never does... after about 10 mins the symbol just goes away and its just a blank space. I cant find anything on the internet to help me maybe get around it or update it a different way but all i have found is troubleshooting and that never works either it just loads until it shuts itself off. I have recently cleaned my computer and put an antivirus on it hoping it would help the problem but it hasn't its just doing the same thing it did before. If there is anything i can do please help it wont let me download any new apps until i have windows 8.1.