My Dell Venue 8 Pro Review

Thank you. I haven't seen any reviews focusing om how it works in portrait mode, so I needed to ask.
Glad to know that it doesn't feel 'to tall'.
I had bad experience with Surface RT in portrait, but these devices can't be compared I guess.
Can anyone comment om how the device work in portrait? 16:10 isn't it?

For input-intensive tasks such as typing this reply or entering text on OneNote, MS Word, Excel, etc., portrait mode is the ideal and preferred screen mode. Compared to iPad Mini, for example, the narrower keyboard width fits better for two thumb typing and the taller screen gives you a larger screen area, IMO. My 2c.
How does this device handle productivity with the use of a keyboard and mouse? What I mean is, I use my Surface for Word and Excel. Does the DV8P smaller screen make it more difficult to see documents and spreadsheets and input data? Now this is but one area I use. I use my Surface for web-browsing and email as well. And I'm looking to ditch my Kindle Fire as well. I'm trying to decide if the DV8P will satisify my needs.

  • Word/Excel documents
  • Web-browsing
  • E-mail
  • Kindle for reading as well as Prime Movies
  • Netflix
I'm not sure the DV8P 8" screen is going to offer enough difference of my Kindle Fire 7" screen for movies. How much have you used your DV8P in these areas Nasellok?
Wish I knew this tablet was so good. I just bought a Nexus 7 2012 model. Sounds like this tablet is a great laptop replacement. Will have to buy a decent laptop to get these features.
Ive had my DV8P for about 4 months now. Have 32GB version. I quickly ran out of storage after installing the essential software for me, PS CS6, and a few others, and syncing my Skydrive to download all content locally. I have a 64GB MicroSD card in it for additional storage, but even after telling windows to put all Video, Photos etc on the SD i still had issues. I found a nice tweak online, to use an edited USB/Removable disk driver to make it appear as a local drive and not a removable drive, which allowed me to change the location of where things are stored. So now the entirety of my user folder is stored on the SD, as well as apps installed, music, photos, video etc. This freed up a ton of space on the tablet, and allows me to sync everything. I also purchased the new version Stylus, and it works flawlessly for me. I use it for work, i travel all over the country and it is by far the most convenient PC i have ever used. It does get slow occasionally, usually when i have a few word or excels open, but since they are all stored on the SD, and its not terrible, its not much of a bad trade off. i use an OTG cable to attach all kinds of things including a wireless mouse and keyboard for when im working in the hotel or at home at a desk, it works great no issues, also use the Microsoft wedge KB and mouse and havent had any issues there either, i just got those recently, to free up my micro usb for charging or other devices when i need them. i have a micro usb to lan adapter for when i need a direct connection to a server or switch that im working with and that works flawlessly as well. I have been looking at purchasing a couple other accessories for it when traveling, such as the Pluggable adapter int he previously posted video and Asus makes a nice 14 inch chargable portable monitor that is only 8mm thick and operates through USB, havent decided which way to go there yet. All in all it is a fantastic device and i would recommend it to anyone.
Ive had my DV8P for about 4 months now. Have 32GB version. I quickly ran out of storage after installing the essential software for me, PS CS6, and a few others, and syncing my Skydrive to download all content locally. I have a 64GB MicroSD card in it for additional storage, but even after telling windows to put all Video, Photos etc on the SD i still had issues. I found a nice tweak online, to use an edited USB/Removable disk driver to make it appear as a local drive and not a removable drive, which allowed me to change the location of where things are stored. So now the entirety of my user folder is stored on the SD, as well as apps installed, music, photos, video etc. This freed up a ton of space on the tablet, and allows me to sync everything. I also purchased the new version Stylus, and it works flawlessly for me. I use it for work, i travel all over the country and it is by far the most convenient PC i have ever used. It does get slow occasionally, usually when i have a few word or excels open, but since they are all stored on the SD, and its not terrible, its not much of a bad trade off. i use an OTG cable to attach all kinds of things including a wireless mouse and keyboard for when im working in the hotel or at home at a desk, it works great no issues, also use the Microsoft wedge KB and mouse and havent had any issues there either, i just got those recently, to free up my micro usb for charging or other devices when i need them. i have a micro usb to lan adapter for when i need a direct connection to a server or switch that im working with and that works flawlessly as well. I have been looking at purchasing a couple other accessories for it when traveling, such as the Pluggable adapter int he previously posted video and Asus makes a nice 14 inch chargable portable monitor that is only 8mm thick and operates through USB, havent decided which way to go there yet. All in all it is a fantastic device and i would recommend it to anyone.

Can you give the link for the SD tweak?

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