Brat1475 is mostly right, although some phones will just have a pause, then just install the carrier customizations, anyway. And, like him, I can't tell you if that works for WM 6.5 or not. I've had my Tilt2 for almost 6 months, lots of experimentation installing stuff, still no need for a hard reset. And, surprisingly, AT&T seems to be less invasive on the Tilt2 -- there seems to be more that I actually use & the rest doesn't get in the way. Perhaps because I don't usually use Today or TF3D, so I can mostly select which icons display & which don't. And the Tilt2 really has a good chunk of internal storage & program memory.
If you have specific apps you want to get rid of, maybe we can help with those. But, as BRAT1475 mentioned, if you hard reset without bringing back the customizations, you lose some of the good stuff, too.