MY HTC Trophy Review (In-Depth)


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Finally, My Trophy came in and I am a WP7 user! I got a great deal off ebay, a BRAND new Trophy for $250 so yes there are great deals out there, i was patient and finally one came up. Now for my Review...

Anyone waiting for a new Verizon phone, seriously consider the Trophy. I am EXTREMELY happy with the Trophy and will keep this phone for at least a year no matter what comes out. The only thing hardware wise it is missing IMO is a front facing camera, but I can deal with not having that. I think us Trophy users will still be able to download the offical Skype app, just not make video chat calls. The Trophy is so beautiful and crisp. The screen is very responsive. Sometimes I feel like I dont touch the screen and it still moves. The colors are vibrant and bright. As far as the battery goes, I have not had one problem yet with it. I also have not started buying or playing any games yet or listen to a lot of music off of it so that could obviously change. One tip I have noticed is if i use the "Back" button to close things instead of the windows button the battery does not drain near as much. The size of the phone is PERFECT. I honestly dont think i would want something as big as the Titan. Anyone who has a ipod touch, it is close to that size, but the screen size of the trophy takes up the whole space a Ipod touch screen has including the ipod button. The phone is lightweight and just fits nicely into your hands. I have pretty big hands and do not struggle typing on it.

As far as the apps and features go, it is missing some good apps that Apple and Google have. But, everything I mainly use, it has. I REALLY like Zune a lot. I do not have zune pass, but just upload songs from my computer and it just looks better than an iphone. The background pics just look nice.

I really enjoy the people hub and having facebook and twitter integrated. Also I love xbox so the xbox live features are just icing on the cake

All in all the Trophy is much better than I expected. I would definately consider it for anyone thinking about what phone to choose. It is not a bad phone at all and would put it up against any iPhone.
Heck I signed up for an extension, snagged it for $50 and have no regrets about it. Looking at the near future devices the only upgrades were FFCs and a 400mhz speed bump.

In a year things might be different, but for now I don't feel I'm missing out on the latest WP7 devices.
...In a year things might be different, but for now I don't feel I'm missing out on the latest WP7 devices.

It's a nice phone. I like the size, not too big, not too small. I am sure I'll move on again to another WP next summer of fall.
I totally agree with this review. The Trophy is a sleeper of a phone for Verizon. Check the reviews out on amazon too. One of the highest rated Verizon phones ever...Verizon and most consumers have no idea how great of an OS WP7 is, especially now that Mango is out. I have used both Apple and several Android phones and WP7 has them beat. Forget all the dual core processors - the Trophy is faster than any Android phone I have ever used, including some of the more recent ones.

I do wish the screen was a little larger but it's not that big of a deal. I know some do not want the larger screen but I would buy the Titan today if it were on Verizon.
I totally agree with this review. The Trophy is a sleeper of a phone for Verizon. Check the reviews out on amazon too. One of the highest rated Verizon phones ever...Verizon and most consumers have no idea how great of an OS WP7 is, especially now that Mango is out. I have used both Apple and several Android phones and WP7 has them beat. Forget all the dual core processors - the Trophy is faster than any Android phone I have ever used, including some of the more recent ones.

I do wish the screen was a little larger but it's not that big of a deal. I know some do not want the larger screen but I would buy the Titan today if it were on Verizon.

Honestly I think the Titan would be a big hit for Verizon. The sales associates couldn't say that it don't have this and that. It would have everything the other platforms have. It would help alot for future phones as well.

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