My marketing/advertising suggestion...


New member
Sep 28, 2011
Every website that features a windows phone uses basically the same stock photo for each model:

1. blue or green tiles
2. 1 missed call
3. 3 unread texts
4. 7 unread emails
5. the HTC hub app thats rarely used
6. the rarely used photo enhancer app
7. xbox live
8. etc.

The stock photo's really make the homescreen seem boring and non-customizable.

A suggestion would be to try to update some of the stock photos with all of this new advertising and feature some new apps or livetiles.
Yeah they need to change it up a bit. Have you checked out the online Lumia 800 where users can try it out on Facebook. They need to have something similar at all AT&T stores with its own dedicated booth.

WP dont belong in the Android category. I hope next year carriers will have a seperate section for all Windows devices where you can see phones, slate tablets and ultrabooks and see how well all devices run and integrate together.
well said - I even remember looking at those pictures myself thinking it looked dull; and it is anything but. I love it now, but it was playing with a device that convinced me, not the screenshots.
Yeah they need to change it up a bit. Have you checked out the online Lumia 800 where users can try it out on Facebook. They need to have something similar at all AT&T stores with its own dedicated booth.

WP dont belong in the Android category. I hope next year carriers will have a seperate section for all Windows devices where you can see phones, slate tablets and ultrabooks and see how well all devices run and integrate together.

Samsung had a GIANt WM6.5 when the omnia 2 came out in my store. :D that was fun!!

it bee cool to have a GIANT touch screen WP in stores ( giant was, 6feet by 3feet wide )

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