My time with Continuum


New member
Feb 7, 2016
I was impressed by Continuum feature the very day when I’ve heard about it and watched a video about it made by Daniel Rubino for this site. I owned Lumia 630 and 640 XL in the past, as the 950 and 950 XL were too expensive for me to buy but I still wanted to try out this feature. Luckily, last Fall the prices dropped and my budget was able to handle a purchase of the 950 and the Microsoft Display Dock. I must admit that Continuum on Anniversary Update was not as good as now with the Creators Update, but still I was like “WOW” even the first time I used it.
I like this concept and obviously it’s becoming the future of personal computing as even Samsung implemented a copycat feature (though from what I’ve seen still more polished) for their flagship. Even if my hope for Windows 10 Mobile to improve is not really at it’s peak, I still believe that we could maybe see something more about it one day, because there’s still a lot room for improvement.
The use of Continuum for me with the Creators Update (with post-CU feature2 updates) is better than I remember – I haven’t used it for some time as I wanted to see if there are going to be any changes at all and I can see that they really came – for me it’s much more fluid now and I am typing this very post using Word in Continuum mode.
What I miss the most from Continuum is:
- Windowed mode for apps
- Background music support for Edge when using several tabs
- More PC-like start menu and Action Centre
- Push notifications
I really hope Microsoft didn’t give up on us totally and they will deliver the promised CShell for mobile finally so we are going to be able to see even more PC-like experience.

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