Need a good metronome


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Hello everyone,

I have been using Windows Phone for almost a year. My first smart phone was an HTC Radar and I just got an HTC 8X last month. I LOVE both phones, but one thing that really irks me is that I can't find a decent metronome.

I actually teach guitar, bass and piano for a living and I need a good metronome app. Allow me to describe what a "good" metronome app would include:

- a good, full sounding BEEP that's loud enough to hear.
- multiple beeps to choose from just in case one is annoying
- a perfectly steady beat -- no speeding up or slowing down due to software issues.
- This is the most important one: SUBDIVISION

The metronome MUST subdivide. And, it MUST subdivide the following rhythmic values: 8th notes, triplets and 16th notes. There are a few metronomes that DO subdivide already, but there is always something wrong. One of them has a terrible metronome sound (it's like an annoying woodblock or something), one of them isn't very accurate at all..... etc. There are no really AWESOME metronomes that have everything in place.

More stuff:

- different time signatures. These are the most basic and should have them:

2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4

6/8, 12/8

You shouldn't be locked into those, though. You should be able to choose which time signature you want. 7/4? No problem. 13/16? No problem.

I personally would be willing to pay like 20 bucks for an app that does all of these things. My students have iPhones and Androids that have better metronomes that my own phone does. It's actually embarrassing. So, can someone make a great metronome with these features? I'd be willing to try it out and, if it's good, I'll PAY. Thanks.
Unfortunately the app you're looking for doesn't exist. I've tried nearly every metronome app in the store, and I can't recommend a single one. I bought an iPod touch to use a specific metronome app, and a specific tuner app.
Um, I know it doesn't exist.... that's why I'm posting in this forum -- to get someone to MAKE one.


**** can freeze over before I buy an Apple product just for a metronome. No offense to you for doing that. You shouldn't have had to. We should keep this topic alive until someone actually does it.
I personally would be willing to pay like 20 bucks for an app that does all of these things. My students have iPhones and Androids that have better metronomes that my own phone does. It's actually embarrassing. So, can someone make a great metronome with these features? I'd be willing to try it out and, if it's good, I'll PAY. Thanks.

Thanks for raising that as "there`s no app for that" - I add it to my "to-do list" so you may see a better app somewhere in future (no commitment though:)). Appreciate time you spent on stating the need.
Hey! Try the "HQ Metronome" (, it fullfills all your requirements and is even under 20 bucks ;)
Works now on both, WIndows10-Device-Family (universal app) and on WIndowsPhone8.1! Enjoy! :D
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