Need a password app


New member
Nov 22, 2011
My first Windows phone is due to arrive today - any minute now I hope.

But thinking about the pain of migrating from my Palm Pre to a totally unfamiliar platform is making me a little nervous. It was just about 2 years ago that I migrated about a decade worth of Palm PDA history onto WebOS. That was a pain even though it was in the same OS family - kinda, sorta.

Surprisingly, the one app that I use most often is a password keeper called jVault. Actually I hate it but it seemed to be the best I could find on WebOS.

Any recommendations for a good password app on WP7?
Callpods keeper app was supposedly coming, but I fear they lied to me. Lastpass has an app, but for normal lockers I do wish a few more were here.

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I use Passwords (by Thomas Gerber). It's a bit on the expensive side (?2.99), but I like it's clean metro look and the fact it obscures the passwords until you tap them along with several other features. I wish they'd incorporate Skydrive sync like Password Manager and it would be perfect for my needs.

Edit: I just read that (and I quote):
the next version will not only include skydrive backup & sync but also multisync with different devices filtered by categories. For instance, it will be possible to sync only office related passwords with your office pc by limiting the synchronization to passwords with the category office or whatever you like.
The next version will be available after christmas/new year and brings some general performance improvements.
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I use Sky Wallet based on recommendations from here, and it has a Desktop Companion and syncs with Sky Drive.

It's pretty good, I was in a similar boat as the OP, but my password keeper was the default Blackberry app, which I loved

Sky Wallet is not bad

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