Need Help Installing 8.1 Denim


New member
Oct 28, 2014

I had to reset one of our older Windows Phones (Lumia 925). So, it rolled back to the vanilla 8.1 Cyan.

I installed the Preview for Developers app but it appears as though it's no longer working? It keeps saying I need a developer account when I have one from way back in the day.

Anyone know a way around this? I doubt I'll get a response but figured I'd give it a shot.

I had to reset one of our older Windows Phones (Lumia 925). So, it rolled back to the vanilla 8.1 Cyan.

I installed the Preview for Developers app but it appears as though it's no longer working? It keeps saying I need a developer account when I have one from way back in the day.

Anyone know a way around this? I doubt I'll get a response but figured I'd give it a shot.

The preview for developers has been supersceded by the windows insider programme.

Also you do not need to the preview for developers to install denim, you should be able to download it through the update servers.

How did you roll back your 925?
Hmm. I thought that was only with windows mobile 10.

I rolled it back with the windows device recovery tool. No OS updates are available through the tool or through the phone.
Hmm. I thought that was only with windows mobile 10.

I rolled it back with the windows device recovery tool. No OS updates are available through the tool or through the phone.

It seems they have moved the old update files off the servers.

There is a way to manually flash denim, however you would need to download the rom files and place them into the packages directory used by the windows device recovery tool - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\[RM number of your 925].

That is also presuming all the ROM files on on Lumia Firmware are the latest ROMs.

In the settings app and under extras and info look for something like for example:


This will give you an accurate compatible rom, which you can download from

The packages are listed like this for example:


VAR = Variant

EU / EURO = Region

GB = Country

EE SL = Provider (Always use the CV Variant of the region you brough the phone from if you did not purchase the phone in the USA or from the USA)

White = Colour of the phone casing

Make sure disconnect from the internet or prevent Windows Device Recovery Tool from connecting to the internet to prevent it auto downloading the the CYAN rom and over writing as a precaution. Although if the ROM you downloaded is newer, it shouldn't.

Also make sure you move the CYAN rom files somewhere else as a backup.
Thank you very much! I am going to do this now. Do you know if I could download the T-Mobile firmware instead of the AT&T variant by any chance?
Thank you very much! I am going to do this now. Do you know if I could download the T-Mobile firmware instead of the AT&T variant by any chance?

I wouldn't recommend it, you may end up damaging the radio firmware.

US carriers are notorious for being sneaky with their ROMs.
Okay, here seems to be the deal. I guess AT&T never released Denim for the Lumia 925? WTF! Anyways, I downloaded the most recent ROM available through that Lumia Firmware site. It wasn't Denim and my phone states it's up to date. The Preview for Insiders no longer works, etc.

Thank you, again, very much for your help! I am sure this process will come in handy if my phone bricks or has issues. However, it appears that, due to AT&T, I am never going to be able to update this phone to Denim.

I tried to de-brand it with another ROM but that appears to be locked down as well. The Windows Device Recovery Tool now requires you to be connected to the internet so it won't let me apply a different one. I even tried the Cheat Engine trick to try to change the model from the AT&T variant to the T-Mobile or global variant.

I've always wanted to own a Lumia 930 anyways ;)

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