If you currently have problem with Windows Store and Windows Store Apps including Edge unable to connects to internet, connections to Store is Down for you.
I'm also currently facing the same problem which seems like is from Microsoft side, because sometimes its starts working on it own without doing anything and sometime Windows UWP elements including Search and Edge unable to connect to internet irrespect of trying all available solutions from Microsoft.
I have tried WSReset, sfc /scannow, resetting Windows Update Components, TroubleShooting Windows Store as well as Windows Update.
And it starts working sometimes on its own. I'm facing these problems since 1-2 weeks and Windows Update Searches new Update Fine but isn't downloading those updates due to this problem.
All of these are Showing the 0x80072EFD and 0x800705B4, which are timeout errors.
If you are facing the same problem its better to wait it out as its starts working on its own, its may be due to what MS is doing with Store and Windows Update for Creators Update.