New L1020 owner asking for general inputs


New member
Jul 3, 2015
Actually, it seems like more than one of us took the plunge lately; pls keep them in mind also.

In my case, its with a refurbished unit. It just arrived and is charging the battery as I write. I have already read much and still have much to read. At this point I'd appreciate any kind of advice...and even expressions of "pity", if said "in a good way" :smile: However, here are a few reference questions:

Q1. Is there is a "best way" and/or "best available" way to go to a [currently decent] Window 10 version? The phone arrived with Win 8.1 update, 14226.359 and I may let it upgrade to Update 2 tonight, and then I'd go for Win 10. I suspect that the phone's regular Update won't do the latter by default. So, Windows Insider it may have to be...and if so, I wonder if Slow, Fast...or "Bland"

Q2. Should I look into a firmware update? It has firmware 3051.50009.1451.1001, which is being reported as being the latest for a US-based RM-877 ATT phone by (I think I saw mention of a 1003 FW somewhere but my braincell easily misfires on Friday evenings).

Q3. Any photo-oriented software I must look into?

Q4. Any (still-available) hardware add-ons?

Q5. Any do's and don'ts?

Hey, thanks!
Get Rawer and Proshot classic.
Get the Nokia grip right away.

Good luck and have fun.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
May I ask what style of shooting you are planning it using? If it isn't Still Photography then you are only wasting time and effort because that thing is frustratingly slow. If you can source new batteries I highly recommend you change it before getting a battery grip.
Q3 Get Rawer and Proshot classic.
Q4 Get the Nokia grip right away.
Good luck and have fun.
Tks, GuyT, will do!

May I ask what style of shooting you are planning it using? If it isn't Still Photography then you are only wasting time and effort because that thing is frustratingly slow. If you can source new batteries I highly recommend you change it before getting a battery grip.

Your point is well taken, Matt John2. The aim is pretty much about 95% still photos, about 5% phone. For most pictures worth taking, it will be DNG/RAW and I can wait for the camera to be ready. Sure, the L1020 has quite a few limitations. Still, it beats much of what's out there if one keeps these in mind...and has the patience, :smile:!

The mention of the battery replacement may also be relevant because I do plan to get the grip. Would you mind expanding on why do so before getting the battery grip?
In your case you won't be needing to replace the battery. I did lots of Travel Photography with my 1020 and the first thing that broke on me is the battery, it was the first few months of ownership so I had it replaced. The usb port also broke on me due to simultaneous plug ins and outs, I'm sure it will be the same case for you. And like I said, l passionately don't recommend the 1020 other than controlled Still Photography with proper lighting, I have missed so much important shots due to it's sluggishness.
Q1. To the best of my knowledge, the 1020 is no longer supported for upgrade to W10 via the Insider Program. It was something I wanted to do myself, but I was too late.

I still think the 1020 is unbeatable for heavy crops without the unpleasant processing artefacts that become evident with some other phones.
Enjoy! :)
... The usb port also broke on me due to simultaneous plug ins and outs, I'm sure it will be the same case for you. ...
Well, thanks for sharing the experience. Therefore, I'll be taking some steps to minimize the use of the USB port right away. One is that this evening I am going to test some FTP apps. (This is something I already do on the iThings and Andys. ) I am shooting a lot of test photos to get acquainted with the camera functions and, over the next few days, that will require quite a bit of transfers. If FTP woks like it does on other units, I'll be a happy camper. The next thing to consider strongly is wireless charging but this may have to wait.

Q1. To the best of my knowledge, the 1020 is no longer supported for upgrade to W10 via the Insider Program. It was something I wanted to do myself, but I was too late.

Bummer! Well, thanks for bringing this up, Belodion. It means that I'd better start searching deeper, in case someone found a way to "fool the system" into providing the W10 upgrade.

On the other hand, it probably won't be a showstopper for those of us who just want a good camera-phone until the next best thing shows up...hopefully from MS. But, let's keep looking for a way into W10, just in case...
IMO the 1020 isn't good on WM10.
When I forced 10 onto my former 1020 it wasn't good.

The 1020 is best left to what it was aimed at which was WP8 and up to 8.1.
I absolutely hated WM10 on my 1020 because in essence it destroyed the camera.

Leave it alone for a joyful experience.
IMO the 1020 isn't good on WM10.When I forced 10 onto my former 1020 it wasn't good. The 1020 is best left to what it was aimed at which was WP8 and up to 8.1. I absolutely hated WM10 on my 1020 because in essence it destroyed the camera.
Leave it alone for a joyful experience.

Thanks, I appreciate your perspective. What camera goodies were destroyed?

The thing that worries me the most is facing incompatibilities down the road, and even premature obsolescence. For example, your very apt recommendation earlier in this thread, Proshot Classic, will be feature-frozen, even diminished it seems from things mentioned in their website. Their new versions are being enhanced only for W10.

Still, it may be better to stay safe and good in 8.1 as long as practical, but line up a path to W10 in case it is needed.
my 1020 (which i have just retired to a drawer for a generic android unit - reason: apps.) was absolutely brilliant on windows 10, much better and more modern than when i had it on 8

i didn't find any need to use 3rd party camera apps on the 1020, as the inbuilt camera allowed everything i personally needed, i know some had trouble with w10 & dng, but for me it worked fine.

i have the camera grip and the charging shell.

i would say this, don't waste your money on the charging shell, reason being is the "pogo" type pins are built to last a very short while, they are badly designed and fragile and even my VERY carefully looked after phone soon stressed those pins with the obvious constant micro movement (slippage of the phone in the shell) in daily use. i went through three official charging shells, ALL did the same. i even re-soldered one and built up the pins using actual solder!! that lasted magnitudes more time that the real pins, but due to solder being soft material relatively, after 6 months or so would need tweaking again

eventually i simply bought a ?5 qi micro usb adapter and stuck it to the back of the phone and put a case over that, problem sorted via unofficial means.

would recommend you get a tempered glass screen protector, although i am VERY ocd and careful with my 1020, accidents happen and the screen shattered, actually, left the phone 100% operational, but just a pain to bother to replace / cost etc, much better that damage occur to a cheap replaceable screen protector

the camera grip is fine and works like you would expect, whilst giving you extra battery life, no complaints there, just i didn't end up using i that much! :)

i only retired it two weeks ago, testament to how good the 1020 can be still in 2016 - the camera on my android phone is rubbish, but the app situation took priority i am afraid

enjoy and try and update it to windows 10 if you can, there are ways to do that even if officially you cannot - imo the best w10 build on it was 10.0.10586.545 - don't put ANY redstone builds near it, terrible.

enjoy great photos!
Actually, it seems like more than one of us took the plunge lately; pls keep them in mind also.

Thanks. Still waiting for my 1020 to arrive, but I'm following this thread.

Q1. Is there is a "best way" and/or "best available" way to go to a [currently decent] Window 10 version? The phone arrived with Win 8.1 update, 14226.359 and I may let it upgrade to Update 2 tonight, and then I'd go for Win 10. I suspect that the phone's regular Update won't do the latter by default. So, Windows Insider it may have to be...and if so, I wonder if Slow, Fast...or "Bland"

My plan is to WDRT to ensure latest firmware and stay put on 8.1. I'm planning to use the 1020 just as a camera.

Q2. Should I look into a firmware update? It has firmware 3051.50009.1451.1001, which is being reported as being the latest for a US-based RM-877 ATT phone by (I think I saw mention of a 1003 FW somewhere but my braincell easily misfires on Friday evenings).

See above...

Q3. Any photo-oriented software I must look into?

I'll probably load it up the same as my 1520, which is now dedicated for Camera/Travel use. Check this post: I probably will not add the travel stuff like HERE and Translator so I can save even more storage space since there is no SD support.

On the PC I like Fotor for converting DNG > JPG and Polarr Pro for editing and crops.

Q4. Any (still-available) hardware add-ons?

I'm looking for the camera grip in excellent condition. Can someone state if the USB port in the Camera grip also allows for file transfer to PC?

Q5. Any do's and don'ts?

From my reading, the USB port failures may be related to frequent addition/removal of the camera grip. I'm hoping I can put the grip on and leave it.

Hey, thanks!

Thanks again.
@RumoredNow - just checked for you, yes enables me to transfer photos / files through the grip connected to usb.
@RumoredNow - just checked for you, yes enables me to transfer photos / files through the grip connected to usb.

Much appreciated. So that firms up my plan to buy the grip, put it on and leave it. I won't need the 1020 as a phone and I can get a nice camera carry case that fits it with the grip.
Thanks Qtweeter! Itemizing by snippets below:
my 1020 (which i have just retired to a drawer for a generic android unit - reason: apps.) was absolutely brilliant on windows 10, much better and more modern than when i had it on 8
Yes, this has also been my experience with other WInphones. And W10 (but not so much W8) brings enough to the plate for my needs (My Android's million apps are hardly ever needed.)

i have the camera grip and the charging shell.... [Said later on: the camera grip is fine and works like you would expect, whilst giving you extra battery life, no complaints there, just i didn't end up using i that much! :) ]
Member RumoredNow may be looking for a grip, if you plan to part with it. I ordered a grip since I will need it mainly for tripod shots.

i would say this, don't waste your money on the charging shell, .... eventually i simply bought a ?5 qi micro usb adapter and stuck it to the back of the phone and put a case over that, problem sorted via unofficial means.
Wow! That's a pleasant "monkey wrench" thrown on my plans :-)) I was just about to order the charging shell today and now you bring up this "qi micro usb adapter", which I looked up now. I'll have to research for a proper model (from so many on eBay) and I do wonder about the mechanics at the times when the Grip is to be used. Still, it sounds like a better option, tks!

...would recommend you get a tempered glass screen protector,
Hmm, I've been trying to find an "ideal" one I have not yet found one for the L1020. Will redouble effort, then.

enjoy and try and update it to windows 10 if you can, there are ways to do that even if officially you cannot - imo the best w10 build on it was 10.0.10586.545 - don't put ANY redstone builds near it, terrible.
I faintly remember seeing tricks to do it as I cruised the L1020 forum weeks ago. I'll have to squeeze the brain cell a little harder to find it again. Yes, the current Redstone builds can be poison!

Again, thank you!
YVW Ektalog,

i think i will keep hold of my camera grip, as i may decide to(like some others have) to dedicate & use the 1020 as a camera centric tool, besides, i think most members are in different countries from me, so not ideal for selling things.

i wish i could recommend screen protector, but for me, it was too late, so after top screen is cracked, i never got round to buying one! suffice to say my new android unit has one on already

i will link you to the exact qi adapter i bought for the 1020, i got it from amazon uk, but amazons overseas variants may still carry it: XCSOURCE Universal QI Wireless Charging Receiver film for micro-USB Android Mobile BC318

i attached that and then put on the Nillkin Super Scrub Shield Shell to hide it/trap it against the phone - still works perfectly to this day

yes you are correct there is no provision for the wireless charger and the camera grip together, mores the pity - you have to manually remove the qi adapter when camera gripping!

enjoy your unique 41 mpix shooter, before the 1020 i had the nokia 808 (which i still regret selling) - so quality wise this android generic camera is a culture shock, although the pragmatism of the apps / pebble watch compatibility and the ability to automate stuff won the day over winphone, i may check back in if and when the surface phone ever arrives.

good luck sourcing the bits you need! :smile:
Nice to see a resurgence for the L1020.
It was my dream phone when I first read about it.
So glad I had a chance to own one.
From my reading, the USB port failures may be related to frequent addition/removal of the camera grip. I'm hoping I can put the grip on and leave it.
Thanks again.

Good point. Not that I'd be using the grip as much as you but it still makes it important for me to reduce the use of the phone's USB port to the absolute minimum. I have to test the FTP apps for moving the image/movie files this way whenever I can. So wireless options just got priority for me. Member Qtweeter just offered a neat idea to look into.

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