New steam os - no windows love


New member
Aug 30, 2013
Soon the steam os will arrive and most people will go after it. The problem is that they are moving away from windows so were are gonna need a new type of steam player in Windows and steam can go die in the small pool we know as Linux :)
Maybe Microsoft can make type competitor to steam ofc its gonna have to be alot better than steam to accepted. If Microsoft could make it it should be master race friendly :P
I seriously doubt steam would dump its windows support anytime soon. Yes they are building their own OS and console but the massive userbase that already exists is too large for them to lose
and what are you going to do when you want to run Steam Directx based games? it says it will have a "stream" function = you will need windows for that.

or what about playing a EA game? they will never be obviously on steam so what you gonna do? or a mmorpg, you know... most mmorpg are windows only. with exceptions like WoW but of course you wont see WoW in a Linux, because you haven't seen any blizzard game ever in a OS other than Windows and OSX.

do you think people will give up their games? their cracked games? their emulators? last time I saw a video of a boy running MediaPortal (a windows only app) and it has a steam plugin, and yeah, plugged on a tv and you could access it easily in a HTPC software. he used a xbox controller for that... it ran good with no problems.

just look at the steam statistics... every OS go down but windows 8 and 8.1, so even Linux being free, their steam usage goes down? you can check it yourself. so its like... I don't see how this steam will be popular when you can always get a console with a huge game library like 360 or ps3, with a lot of games that will never come to PC.
and I don't know why people would want to change their windows OS, that they can plug it in a tv and have more games that they would actually have in a steam OS. because again, its not like every mmo, or EA games, or blizzard games will be on steam OS... and a lot more games.

so while I know people like Steam so much and hate Microsoft, well...the % of the people that would get interested in this OS would be minimal. its silly to think "oh steam OS, I will ditch Windows now" and then think Windows will be dead or this will be a threat for windows. when not even OSX with more marketshare could do anything to windows having nice games like diablo and WoW and stuff.
the majority of people I don't think will change their windows for steam even if they seem to love steam so much. its not like steam is the only way to get games in a pc, that's the thing. not everyone play steam only games. and I think that's the big plus for Windows.
and what are you going to do when you want to run Steam Directx based games? it says it will have a "stream" function = you will need windows for that.

or what about playing a EA game? they will never be obviously on steam so what you gonna do? or a mmorpg, you know... most mmorpg are windows only. with exceptions like WoW but of course you wont see WoW in a Linux, because you haven't seen any blizzard game ever in a OS other than Windows and OSX.

do you think people will give up their games? their cracked games? their emulators? last time I saw a video of a boy running MediaPortal (a windows only app) and it has a steam plugin, and yeah, plugged on a tv and you could access it easily in a HTPC software. he used a xbox controller for that... it ran good with no problems.

just look at the steam statistics... every OS go down but windows 8 and 8.1, so even Linux being free, their steam usage goes down? you can check it yourself. so its like... I don't see how this steam will be popular when you can always get a console with a huge game library like 360 or ps3, with a lot of games that will never come to PC.
and I don't know why people would want to change their windows OS, that they can plug it in a tv and have more games that they would actually have in a steam OS. because again, its not like every mmo, or EA games, or blizzard games will be on steam OS... and a lot more games.

so while I know people like Steam so much and hate Microsoft, well...the % of the people that would get interested in this OS would be minimal. its silly to think "oh steam OS, I will ditch Windows now" and then think Windows will be dead or this will be a threat for windows. when not even OSX with more marketshare could do anything to windows having nice games like diablo and WoW and stuff.
the majority of people I don't think will change their windows for steam even if they seem to love steam so much. its not like steam is the only way to get games in a pc, that's the thing. not everyone play steam only games. and I think that's the big plus for Windows.

:p +1
Maybe Microsoft can make type competitor to steam ofc its gonna have to be alot better than steam to accepted. If Microsoft could make it it should be master race friendly :P

Good luck with that. It would be really impressive o see them pull it off, but Steam is so widely known and used that it'll be tough to compete.

Valve has always hated Windows, idk why considering most of its users are on it. Their constant hate towards the OS has really put a thorn in my side with them. I love steam and what it offers, but I've completely stopped playing Valve games(granted I've always had issues with them to begin with outside of HL and Portal), and stopped buying games from Steam. Most of my games the last few months have been Humble Bundle games.
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. The only reason Gabe hates MS or specifically why he hates Win8 is because once the desktop is gone (and it IS going away) he'll have to create an "app". That app will have to be in the windows store in order to be installed on the millions (billions?) of windows PCs. All apps in the store have to give a certain percentage of sales to MS. Gabe doesn't want to share and likes being in control, so he's creating his own walled garden called "SteamOS", where he can continue to be king and doesn't have to share.

If anything he's competing with the consoles than with Windows. Consoles are essentially closed environments that do one thing - play games (ok yeah, movies too but smart tv's do that...). If Gabe wants to succeed he needs to start talking to publishers to get them to make linux ports...the same way MS and Sony do. Problem is some of the bigger publishers already have their own stores and with the new consoles being so close to PCs why make a separate build of MW3 for linux when you could easily port your xbone or ps4 version to PC AND sell it on your OWN store?

I think if Gabe wants this to really work AND go big, he needs to somehow get EXISTING steam games to work on SteamOs. Which would you buy, a steambox that can play all of your steam library or just a handful of indie titles?

tl;dr Gabe doesn't want to pay MS, so he's building his own app store that could compete with consoles.
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. The only reason Gabe hates MS or specifically why he hates Win8 is because once the desktop is gone (and it IS going away) he'll have to create an "app". That app will have to be in the windows store in order to be installed on the millions (billions?) of windows PCs. All apps in the store have to give a certain percentage of sales to MS. Gabe doesn't want to share and likes being in control, so he's creating his own walled garden called "SteamOS", where he can continue to be king and doesn't have to share.

Rubbish. Steam is free and even IF the desktop went away (which is a pretty big IF) it would continue to be free. A percentage of zero is still zero. And not even MS could be stupid enough to ask for a percentage of the games sold via Steam - that'd be like asking for a percentage of all sales made via the Amazon app, for example.
Rubbish. Steam is free and even IF the desktop went away (which is a pretty big IF) it would continue to be free. A percentage of zero is still zero. And not even MS could be stupid enough to ask for a percentage of the games sold via Steam - that'd be like asking for a percentage of all sales made via the Amazon app, for example.

Of course they won't charge for a steam app it'll be the in-app purchases that get them.
Getting paid (Windows)
Specifically this little snippet.
The Windows Store fee is applied to all app sales collected by the Windows Store, including in-app purchases.

Amazon and others avoid this with by using their own commerce stuff, which steam might have. When Gabe was talking about all the stuff he was hating in Win8 he was wrong about some stuff so my guess is he saw this and exploded. Win8 is bad, but it's a 1.0 product..that's to be expected.

Like it or not Desktop is going away. Not today or tomorrow or even in a year or so, but eventually. It probably won't be totally gone, but sorta the same way dos is "gone". You can still open a command prompt, but it's mostly included for backward compatibilty. Best apps on desktop are all geared to get others away from MS (chrome, itunes, etc) and mostly everything people HATE about windows comes from desktop (virus, malware). And if you're MS and (reasonably) smart and want to get rid of the "winblows" attitude of every iphone toting hipster you get rid of the thing that causes the most pain. The desktop.

Either way, I still don't think steam OS is a threat to windows, he makes too much money from those users.
You do realize Steam OS will not run DirectX games as the Steam Client on PC does today being its on Linux. Last I checked back in about 2010 people were trying to use Wine to accomplish this and some hacked up D3D11 api's which ran like ****. So if thats the case you can cut that games collection down a tad.

The Biggest titles will still be on Xbox and PlayStation in the living room and on Windows on the Desktop.
Like it or not Desktop is going away. Not today or tomorrow or even in a year or so, but eventually. It probably won't be totally gone, but sorta the same way dos is "gone". You can still open a command prompt, but it's mostly included for backward compatibilty. Best apps on desktop are all geared to get others away from MS (chrome, itunes, etc) and mostly everything people HATE about windows comes from desktop (virus, malware). And if you're MS and (reasonably) smart and want to get rid of the "winblows" attitude of every iphone toting hipster you get rid of the thing that causes the most pain. The desktop.

MS is arguably not reasonably smart in most decisions, but where Windows and Office businesses are concerned, they're the best; that is why the desktop will live for a good long time yet.

Doing what you describe will immediately kill their primary revenue stream, the enterprise. Most of them would not be willing to accept such a locked-down model. Also, have you given thought to actually trying to use Excel, for example, with a Metro UI? The very thought gives me horrors.
Gabe is still upset about the fact that Microsoft sells games through the Windows Store as he wants that segment of the market all to himself. I love Valve and Gabe's work but his anti-Windows stance lately does sound childish. He should get off his **** and get to work on the next Half Life, Left 4 Dead, and Portal games.
MS is arguably not reasonably smart in most decisions, but where Windows and Office businesses are concerned, they're the best; that is why the desktop will live for a good long time yet.

Doing what you describe will immediately kill their primary revenue stream, the enterprise. Most of them would not be willing to accept such a locked-down model. Also, have you given thought to actually trying to use Excel, for example, with a Metro UI? The very thought gives me horrors.

Don't think of the desktop dying as in, it's gone and you can't use it anymore. I think (and no I don't KNOW) it'll probably be more like a compatibility mode. Remember back in the late 90's when all those replacement windows shells (litestep, hoverdesk) would allow you to have multiple desktops? My guess is that MS will create a separate "desktop" sandbox whenever you click on your old desktop/enterprise app. Your program had a virus?? No prob, kill the desktop instance and the virus is wiped out with it not harming any thing else. Of course there are other problems (file/memory access, etc) but this is just an idea on how the desktop could "go away". Everybody wins, you get to run your old desktop/enterprise apps, MS gets to move forward.

Metro Office is coming...Download OneNote (free) from the windows store today. Just because it's metro, doesn't mean that it's touch only.

Gabe is still upset about the fact that Microsoft sells games through the Windows Store as he wants that segment of the market all to himself. I love Valve and Gabe's work but his anti-Windows stance lately does sound childish. He should get off his **** and get to work on the next Half Life, Left 4 Dead, and Portal games.

Yeah, I kinda think this too. It used to be when you wanted a digital version of a game Steam was pretty much the only source. Now with some of the bigger publishers having their own stores (EA, Ubisoft) and not allowing steam to sell their titles (COD, MW, etc) (You can buy Farcry3 on steam...but you have to install the Ubistore(?) and run it from there) means he's no longer on top anymore.
Windows allows user to do one thing that Linux is still lagging behind in. Install new hardware as and when they like cos drivers are being written for windows. Currently I still haven't found a proper graphics driver for my Ubuntu as we speak. :/ If steam was to enable gamers to do this they gonna have to write drivers or entice manufacturers to write drivers for hardware to work with their OS. Its interesting to see what they have in mind. Considering most of you guys also mention rather than fight Microsoft on the desktop ground, they are planning to play on the console ground. As long as I get to play what I pay for im fine :)

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