New Surfacec Pro Pen Calibration Issues


Nov 27, 2012
I have been having pen calibration issues since first receiving my New Surface Pro with the new Surface Pen. Trying to hand write notes it is creating jagged and distorted lines, artifacts, and lines not lining up properly. For example writing an uppercase 'E' I'll get random placements of all the elements that make up that letter to the point the letter is not legible. I've tried using the calibration tool and it only makes things worse. I broke down and had my Surface Pro replaced about 2 weeks ago at a Microsoft Store and the problem still persists. This makes taking notes by hand very frustrating. Any one else have this problem and know of a solution? I will attempt to attach a file showing what I am talking about. The phrase I'm trying to write here is "and Consult with RE". 2017-10-23.png

From what I've been able to gather, it's your touch screen picking up your hand for some conductive reason. If I put my hand on the back of my device (grounding or something perhaps?), I find the accuracy is perfect. This is inexcusable for a premium device like this, but has worked as a short term solution for me.
I want to concur with reply from Maximuss99. This is not a calibration issue per se. It is a problem related to erratic tilt detection and parallax correction that Microsoft wanted to be a "feature" but has turned into a very frustrating bug. Also see the VERY LONG thread about this issue on the Microsoft Community forum titled "Surface Pro - intermittent pen inaccuracy when hand is on the screen". And search YouTube for vids on this issue. My "fix" is to use my old Surface Pro 4 pen which does not attempt to do tilt detection / parallax correction. You can also return your Surface Pro pen and buy an N-trig pen from another vendor. I don't understand how Microsoft has let this problem stand with no fix or even a public acknowledgment for many months. Hey, Windows Central, please write an article about this issue :)

URL to the thread is here:

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