So my 2 year contract is done in September for my 925 on T-Mobile. I was wondering if I should get the 240, or wait for a windows 10 flagship phone. Input?
Why rely on some other guy what you'll get?
Why not just get an unlocked phone and use it on TMO? That's what I do for every phone I buy.
Why should some company say which phone you can get and which you can't. Buy the phone you want.
So, my suggestion is, if you want the flagship, wait for it and get it.
If u can hold off wait till October Microsoft is announcing the new flagships hopefully tmobile gets one. If u can't wait I'd
use the jump plan and get the 640. It's only $ half of it off and jump to the flagship in Oct/nov
I picked my 640 up at Wal-Mart for $99, works flawlessly.