"newbie" questions


New member
Dec 18, 2015
Picked up an early Christmas present and upgraded from L640 to the 950. So far I am liking it, battery life isn't too much worst then the 640, and everything seems to work fine with build 15254.124. Have noted a couple spontaneous restarts however.

So a couple of questions to current and former 950 owners:

Iris scanner- yeah or ney?

Camera- auto or custom settings you feel are better?

Also related to the camera- is there a protective film that needs to be removed from the lens? There appears to be a clear film, primarily on the metal portion. But it does have a perfect 5 mm circle cutout were its not on the glass in the lens path, so maybe its supposed to stay?

Former 950 owner here.

I don't recall it having an iris scanner. If it did I did not use it, don't use the one on my Note 8 either, don't like them!

Camera, I prefer auto settings. I have a decent eye for what images make good photo subjects, BUT I'm not good with settings and such, would rather let the camera do the work. HOWEVER if you like to fiddle with settings go for it, BUT sometimes you miss the best moments while adjust this or that! lol

I got mine used so I don't know if the lens had a covering. Have you tried carefully lifting it off? Does it peel easy? IF it was meant to come off it would peel fairly easily.
The 950 has an iris scanner. It usually works but it can be a bit unreliable, eg it may detect nothing but upon closing and opening the screen it detects almost instantly me. As for the lens, it doesn't have a cover. Are you sure that it isn't protective film from the packaging?
Iris scanner is there but as palmujukka stated a bit unreliable, and kinda slow. Mostly rely on inputting pin.

As for the camera. For most situations I usually just use auto and the result have been pretty darn good. Rarely do I get a bad photo - 950's camera is one of its strongest traits. Mine came out of-the-box new with no film on camera lens whatsoever. Can't recall having any film on ring around lens either.
probably should have added a few pictures to confirm what I'm referring to.... :smile:
The film didn't have an "pull tab" which often accompanies removable protectors, but you can see on the lower left edge of the lens it appears not quite adhered to the glass. If no one else has a film like this, then I guess it will be safe to remove. Tha.nks

WP_20171230_09_03_59_Pro (2).jpg
WP_20171230_09_02_27_Pro (2).jpg
WP_20171230_09_02_16_Pro (2).jpg
probably should have added a few pictures to confirm what I'm referring to.... :smile:
The film didn't have an "pull tab" which often accompanies removable protectors, but you can see on the lower left edge of the lens it appears not quite adhered to the glass. If no one else has a film like this, then I guess it will be safe to remove. Tha.nks

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Does look like something is adhered there. I'd be so inclined to just remove it because other than protecting the lens ring from scratches it would serve no other purpose. Just pick at it with your thumbnail a bit, if it starts to lift fairly easy just take it off.
Thanks, I got brave and picked at an edge and indeed the film peeled off easily. Now it looks much better! :grin:
Where did you buy the 950? I was looking for a 950 XL 3 months ago and gave up. I was hesitant to buy an open box 950 off eBay or Amazon.

Keep your eyes open here: https://forums.windowscentral.com/marketplace-buy-sell-trade/

I'd swear a couple of 950XLs have sold there in the past 3 months.

Have you looked at Swappa? https://swappa.com/buy/microsoft-lumia-950-xl-unlocked?ref=mobilenations&data1=UUwpUvbUpU3726883

5 of them sold there just last month (December).
Where did you buy the 950? I was looking for a 950 XL 3 months ago and gave up. I was hesitant to buy an open box 950 off eBay or Amazon.

Off ebay from a store that had a bunch for sale. (no 950 xls however) The first batch of a dozen or so sold for $169 and sold out before I had a chance to buy. About a week later they put up a second batch for sale at $159 and I jumped on it. It was advertised as new, but the box was not sealed and already had a screen protector on it, so I wonder. Since the price was good I added a 2 yr warranty for $28, so even if it was refurbished or returned I'm okay with it...looks perfect!
I bet that thing on the camera was some sort of 3rd party screen protector. Looks like it served its purpose but was getting to the point where it should be removed.

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