Newkia /nokia


Its some ex nokia engineer that left when elop come in and has formed his own company. He wants to try and take all the nokia engineers and designers that aren't happy with the move to Microsoft and try and bring out his own devices in China.

Not sure how he will manage that with the nokia patent chest at microsofts disposal though
I think it is just a placeholder until they get a new name. The guy who is proposing this was the Asia Pacific CEO for Nokia.

You should open for good laughs :D
One wonders if he was such a genius CEO for Nokia why did they find themselves in the mess they did? Timewaster.
I like how in his head Microsoft are this big bad company that are the sole reason for Nokia falling from where it once was, and that all these Nokia engineers would rather die than work for such a despicable company, and doesn't see why people would use any other OS than Android.

At the end of the day, the engineers will go to whoever pays them the most, and I guarantee Microsoft will pay them more money. And as for "Nobody wants to use Windows Phone OS", a rapidly expanding marketshare begs to differ. As does his claim that we lack an ecosystem when Microsoft offers pretty much every service Google does, and more often than not does it better.
Newkia is some the name the head of this company made up in response to some interview regarding the purchase of Nokia. The actual name is something generic I can't recall right now. The company was founded by a number of former Nokia employees who didn't like where the company was headed and were delusional about the company's history.

The seem to believe that Nokia was a font of success and innovation prior to partnering with Microsoft. They forget that Nokia's trouble started over a decade back when the company thought mobile phones were going to turn into disposable commodities. The decline accelerated when they entered smartphone game late and choose operating systems that were dead ends because they simply didn't have the resources to back them like they needed to.

So Newkia's business model is based around offering yet another Android phone; like there aren't already far too many on the market as it is. There's no inherent reason to choose anything these guys will offer over one of the numerous other offerings. Let's not forget that others have far more experience with Android and Samsung still continues to dominate the market. Even HTC struggles with their marginal success being largely dependent on whether or not a particular model is a hit.

I can't envision a scenario in which Newkia is anything but an also-ran. But hey, it will keep those guys employed for a few years.
I like how in his head Microsoft are this big bad company that are the sole reason for Nokia falling from where it once was, and that all these Nokia engineers would rather die than work for such a despicable company, and doesn't see why people would use any other OS than Android.

At the end of the day, the engineers will go to whoever pays them the most, and I guarantee Microsoft will pay them more money. And as for "Nobody wants to use Windows Phone OS", a rapidly expanding marketshare begs to differ. As does his claim that we lack an ecosystem when Microsoft offers pretty much every service Google does, and more often than not does it better.

I love WP but in fairness, WP isn't "rapidly expanding" when talking about worldwide marketshare. Sure you can pull out some countries or regions where it is doing well, but you could say that about a lot of things. I want to see some real growth in the US and China.
I love WP but in fairness, WP isn't "rapidly expanding" when talking about worldwide marketshare. Sure you can pull out some countries or regions where it is doing well, but you could say that about a lot of things. I want to see some real growth in the US and China.

Fair enough; maybe I was a little overzealous calling it rapid, but it can't be ignored that global market share is expanding. We recognise this, but people like this gentleman refuse to acknowledge it because of an apparent unfounded bias against Microsoft.
I love WP but in fairness, WP isn't "rapidly expanding" when talking about worldwide marketshare. Sure you can pull out some countries or regions where it is doing well, but you could say that about a lot of things. I want to see some real growth in the US and China.

I agree with you here.

But I am disappointed in the buyout. Microsoft has never been successful in Cell phone business. Plus Nokia name had durability, user friendliness and innovation associated to it. No doubt Microsoft have been a great corp but they are also stiff heads which hardly listen to uservoice. Look how long has it taken then to reach this much level on WP8. On lumia glance, flip to silence, call blocker and etc are nokia developed stuff. If it were microsoft they might not even reach this level.

Plus last I remember, Lumia brand was more worthy than windows phone yet buyout is much much cheaper than google buying out Motorola which was not even existent in most parts of the world.

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