Never thought about that one Steveg. I'm a Nick-on person, but I have heard others here refer to it the other way though.![]()
I have heard Knee-con before, not Nick-on. I have only heard N-eye-con in USA though.well I noticed in some camera reviews that in Europe Nikon is pronounced Nick-on where in America its N-eye-con.
Us Canadians say: NO-KI-AAH!!!! lol
its like the letter Z , in canada we say : ZEE , in the USA they say: ZED
Funny you say that about HTC because I just noticed when watching all the video reviews that the British (I think) say it HAYTCH TEE SEE whereas us Americans say AYTCH TEE SEE, leaving off that beginning H sound.
I noticed the same thing about Nokia and HTC. "nock-ee-ah" and "aych-tee-see" both sounds funny to me. Im no English major (obviously), but im pretty sure to correctly pronounce Nokia in English (American English) is actually no-key-a with a strong O. If it was spelled nokkia or nockia, we would say it like the Europeans, "nock-ee-ah".
Well seeing as it's a name rather than a generic term, strictly speaking the correct way to pronounce it is how it's pronounced in its original language regardless of where you are.![]()