I'm willing to bet that their feature phone sales have slipped again this quarter, and for some reason investors tend to focus more on that than they do smartphone growth. I personally believe that the stock is still worth holding onto long-term due to the profitability of NSN. I also like the moves they've made with HERE, plus they still have a massive patent portfolio. The D&S division was weighing them down quite a bit, and unloading that makes them a lot lighter. However, you should also consider that once the MS deal goes through Nokia will have a new CEO, who may or may not take the company in a new direction. There are a lot of things to consider here. I'm going to hang onto mine, at least for the foreseeable future, but if you're really worried just keep a close eye on it, do your research, and follow your gut. If you start to see moves being made that you're not confident in, then consider selling, but at the same time don't let a big selloff scare you away in the event that the 3rd quarter results are subpar.