Nokia Stock Holders


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Jan 17, 2011
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I bought Nokia stocks like many of you. This whole "stocks" thing is new to me and frankly I don't know what to expect. Is there anyone here who can brake this down in layman's term? Should we hold on to our stocks? Are we to receive dividends from this buyout? Will we have an option to convert our stocks to Microsoft stocks? Bottom line, are we better or worse off with this buyout???? Please, anyone who is knowledgeable about stocks chime in.


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Mar 15, 2013
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Well find some financial analyst and have them tell you what is best. You will only start a flame with this question here because it highly unlikely that you will get the answers you seek from a discussion on such a forum


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Nov 24, 2012
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I have some stock also. I am going to do some research on what is left of Nokia and decide if that is something I feel will do well. There are many sites that will help you with that.


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Jun 26, 2011
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You will not be getting any MSFT stock. MSFT is not buying the entire company. Nokia will still exist as a publically traded company. There should be a decent one-time dividend distributed to stockholders once the D&S purchase is complete.

Going forward from there is hard to predict. If you hold you do need to understand what type of company you will be invested in. Also understand there will be no MSFT to keep them afloat. Nokia will be on their own.

Nokia is also scheduled to release earnings on 10/18/2013. That may cause the stock to slip should the numbers not be good. I'm thinking the numbers should be decent however. They should have sold a bunch of Lumia phones in the last qtr. I don't really follow the feature phone business so I cannot comment on that.

I believe I'm gonna hold on to my shares for a while. I like their prospects going forward. Once the deal is complete there will be associated stock upgrades and credit rating increases that will allow the stock to appreciate.

This is my opinion. Please do your own homework before making a decision whether to hold or sell.


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Mar 16, 2012
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I'm willing to bet that their feature phone sales have slipped again this quarter, and for some reason investors tend to focus more on that than they do smartphone growth. I personally believe that the stock is still worth holding onto long-term due to the profitability of NSN. I also like the moves they've made with HERE, plus they still have a massive patent portfolio. The D&S division was weighing them down quite a bit, and unloading that makes them a lot lighter. However, you should also consider that once the MS deal goes through Nokia will have a new CEO, who may or may not take the company in a new direction. There are a lot of things to consider here. I'm going to hang onto mine, at least for the foreseeable future, but if you're really worried just keep a close eye on it, do your research, and follow your gut. If you start to see moves being made that you're not confident in, then consider selling, but at the same time don't let a big selloff scare you away in the event that the 3rd quarter results are subpar.

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