Nokia's Ad Campaign


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Nokia revealed their advertising campaign at Nokia World a couple hours ago.

They released the first TVC for the Lumia 800, aaand the 60-second spot for the Amazing Everyday campaign.

Nokia says they're going to cover entire cities in tiles, and stage "amazing everyday" moments in cities around the world. Moments that people would share - kind of like T-Mobile's "Life's for Sharing" ads.

Personally I think it has potential. Way better than the marketing's been so far (then again, almost non-existent is pretty easy to beat!)

The tune's pretty awesome as well. Here's a ringtone version for Mango.

What do you think? Is it "good enough" for Windows Phone? Or another failed marketing attempt?
Funner, is that even a word ? :) Shouldn't it be More Fun ?

I'm being picky now. Time for another coffee I think. :)
I guess using the word "funner" makes the ads seem a bit more friendly/casual.
Doesn't Apple have a patent on the word "funner"?=P Im certainly no marketing expert but I never really get why they make 60 second spots that don't show the product for the first 50 seconds.

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Im certainly no marketing expert but I never really get why they make 60 second spots that don't show the product for the first 50 seconds.

That first commercial (featuring the Lumia) is a TV spot. They said they're gonna be running the second in theaters, but who knows. It might show up on TV.

That second ad was probably created to establish the campaign, rather than advertise the device itself.
Can i just say that the Nokia Lumia ad sure is prominant on UK TV tonight.

I've seen it 5 times in a couple of hours on various channels tonight.

Nokia sure are getting the message out, that can only be good news for the platform. :)
Funner is a word. Well, actually, fun was never intended to be an adjective. You have fun; it's a noun. But as people started using it as an adjective, it has become correct through common usage, and it's just as correct to use the comparative (funner) and superlative (funnest) forms.

You use "more" to make the comparative form in many instances where the word has two or more syllables and doesn't end in "e" or "y". For example, you would say this is more correct or more agreeable.
I'm not angry anymore. While I don't like the big gap bellow the phone it looks amazing on videos. I need one and I need it fast.

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