Nokia's Big Mistake? Handling the Titan Early Adopters


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I don't know how many Titan buyers there are who were actually waiting on a Nokia WP7 phone but I am one of them. The release of the Titan actually blindsided me because I planned to switch from webOS to WP7 when Nokia's phone became available. Some of you know that I jumped on the Titan deal because it really was too good to pass up BUT IF....

1. Nokia is true to their word and release the Lumia 900 in January

2. It has an FFC (which seems logical since it will ship with Tango)

3. It solves my 16 GB limitation in total memory with the Titan

4. It has a 4.3" AMOLED screen as suspected by many

5. Black or silver are launch color options (I am in the construction industry so I can't pull a blue or pink phone out at a meeting or jobsite. It is professional suicide because no one will take you seriously after something like that!)

IF all of these things happen, I will be SET with the ultimate smartphone - if only we had better information from Nokia, I'd feel better about taking the Titan back and waiting this out with my Focus.

I think the only other potential gotcha for me is whether any carriers will subsidize this phone. I definitely think so but Nokia's smartphones were usually not subsidized and I can only think of maybe 8 to 10 models (E series and XPressmusic) phones that I would consider medium high-end that were sold through Carriers over the last 5 years which is just awful. Nokia's medium to high end smartphones have a long history of being "out of reach" to most consumers in the US because we buy subsidized phones and while I typically buy mine unlocked, WP7 is an OS that doesn't really matter if it is locked or not so you might as well buy a subsidized one, anyway. I just thought I'd open this thought process up for everyone to weigh in......
So, you wait on a new Nokia in Jan, then something new and better is announced, do you take your Nokia 900 back again ?

You have to go for it at sometime. The ultimate smartphone doesn't exist, there's always something that it won't have that the next upgrade will.

I'm getting my Titan soon, as I can't keep waiting on the next announcement. :D
For me to purchase this and sell my Titan....

1.) The Camera would have to be superb (I'm blown away with the shots I can get from my Titan
2.) 32GB
3.) 4.3+
4.) Incredible Battery Life
I totally agree with you, TheWeeBear. I promise that I am usually not like this! The Titan is such an awesome phone that it makes this a difficult decision for me. I think my biggest problem is that the size of the Titan is a tad too large for me, but I don't want to let it go!

I absolutely love the camera on this Titan as well and the Panorama mode and Photo Enhancer app are awesome, as well! I am very happy with the Titan but my heart was set on getting another Nokia phone, and it'll be just a little smaller. I'm going to give it another few days.
So, you wait on a new Nokia in Jan, then something new and better is announced, do you take your Nokia 900 back again ?

You have to go for it at sometime. The ultimate smartphone doesn't exist, there's always something that it won't have that the next upgrade will.

I'm getting my Titan soon, as I can't keep waiting on the next announcement. :D

For me to purchase this and sell my Titan....

1.) The Camera would have to be superb (I'm blown away with the shots I can get from my Titan
2.) 32GB
3.) 4.3+
4.) Incredible Battery Life

Totally agree with these posts. Sometimes you just have to take the dive. By the time the 900 comes out, we'll probably be speculating about Apollo handsets. Also, the Titan will hold it's own for a long time. It's an awesome handset from what I've seen so far.
I see LA6507a, well now I understand, if it's not quite right size wise for you, I wouldn't be keeping a phone that wasn't right for me either.

I'm really looking forward to see what Nokia announces in January too, but just can't wait to get my Titan. :D
In the last 2 days, I've demo'd this Titan to 1 friend and 2 family members and they swore they're going to AT&T to see if they can still get a Titan. It really is an awesome phone and worthy of the title, "Flagship" phone.
I know Nokia wanted to get a WP7 on the market by the end of this year, and if early sales estimates are correct, they didn't make a mistake by reusing the N9. However, I would of preferred a three tiered approach for their first crop of Windows Phones. The Ace could of been Nokia's answer to the Titan and the Lumia could of been the middle child with the 710 at the bottom. Though I'm guessing it's better to have something on the market (especially when that something is the Lumia) then nothing at all.

Unfortunately, with no solid details about the Ace/900, I eventually got impatient and got myself a Titan. Even with all the problems it's still an amazing phone. I really want to support Nokia for their commitment to WP7, but lets not discredit HTC because they've been a huge supporter of WP7 thus far. I was also looking forward to Nokia because of their apps but the only one I'm jealous of is Nokia Drive and even that can be replaced via Navigon.

In the end I wish they didn't reuse the N9 chassis. Not only did it distract from the launch of the Lumia 800, early 800 adapters are going to get burned if/when the much superior Ace comes out with all the things the 800 lacks. That's why I didn't wait for the 800, because there's already superior phones on the market that are well deserving of my two year contract.

With all that said... the misses is going to need a new phone soon. Make it good Nokia. ;)
Nokia Lumia

So, you wait on a new Nokia in Jan, then something new and better is announced, do you take your Nokia 900 back again ?

You have to go for it at sometime. The ultimate smartphone doesn't exist, there's always something that it won't have that the next upgrade will.

I'm getting my Titan soon, as I can't keep waiting on the next announcement. :D

You are in Europe and get the newer phones much sooner than us in the US. We have only one good service provider with 4G service across the country, Verizon. They are CDMA, not GSM. I want the new Titan but only AT&T have it here. I don't want to change carriers just to get a new phone and have to sacrifice good and widespread service.
I would never change my carrier either to get a new phone.

3UK doesn't have the Titan, but I know what side my bread's buttered, the other networks just don't compare. :)

That's why i'm saving my pennies hard to buy my Titan. :D
I was originally waiting for a Nokia. But with the uncertainty about what Nokia will bring... and when, I just had to jump on the Titan deal. $0.01 is hard to pass up for such a quality device.

I felt a tinge of regret when I heard that the Lumia 900 might come out in January or February. Especially since I know that Nokia normally has rock solid antennas. So it might have significantly better reception than the Titan. But when all is said and done, I didn't know what the 900 would really have. And I didn't know if there would be any deals anywhere close to the $0.01 deal that the Titan was available for.

I don't really blame Nokia though. These things take time. And I don't think they really could have rushed out a quality 900 device sooner, or they would have.

Fortunately, I have two other accounts that will be available for upgrade in December 2012. By then, I hope to see WP8 devices.
I would never change my carrier either to get a new phone.

I came from Sprint to AT&T for the Titan (which is still back-ordered for me). Mostly because I know Sprint doesn't have high-hopes for WP7 like AT&T does. Sprint only has 1 WP device and it's a NoDo one. No words on any Mango devices. So screw it, I jumped ship, and I'm happy I did. If only mine would get here!

I think I'll be able to hold off for a Nokia device. I just have to get rid of this clunky Arrive. Great device, but that thing is heavy and thick and all around ridiculous.
I was in the same boat waiting on the Nokia but decided to take the titan. I am truly impressed with this phone, and when Nokia brings something nice out it will be difficult to make the switch .

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I know Nokia wanted to get a WP7 on the market by the end of this year, and if early sales estimates are correct, they didn't make a mistake by reusing the N9. However, I would of preferred a three tiered approach for their first crop of Windows Phones. The Ace could of been Nokia's answer to the Titan and the Lumia could of been the middle child with the 710 at the bottom. Though I'm guessing it's better to have something on the market (especially when that something is the Lumia) then nothing at all.

Unfortunately, with no solid details about the Ace/900, I eventually got impatient and got myself a Titan. Even with all the problems it's still an amazing phone. I really want to support Nokia for their commitment to WP7, but lets not discredit HTC because they've been a huge supporter of WP7 thus far. I was also looking forward to Nokia because of their apps but the only one I'm jealous of is Nokia Drive and even that can be replaced via Navigon.

In the end I wish they didn't reuse the N9 chassis. Not only did it distract from the launch of the Lumia 800, early 800 adapters are going to get burned if/when the much superior Ace comes out with all the things the 800 lacks. That's why I didn't wait for the 800, because there's already superior phones on the market that are well deserving of my two year contract.

With all that said... the misses is going to need a new phone soon. Make it good Nokia. ;)
What problems are you having with your Titan? I turned off the sound enhancements the day I got it and have never looked back.

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