Not getting 4G after upgrade to Windows 10


New member
Sep 16, 2013
Hi All,

I am using Lumia 1520 since Feb this year.. Its just awesome device.

Before upgrade to windows 10 my mobile network provider didn't support 4g but since Oct it has started to do so.

I went to their shop for changing sim card which will support 4g in their network (Of course after receiving the msg from them to tell me that my device is supporting 4g)

After changing the sim card they told me to wait for 3days it will start catching 4g network automatically. Unfortunately it did not up to now which is almost a month.

I did call their customer care gave me configuration and told me to try. Nothing changed.

I posted in my local forums based in Tanzania one member claimed he has Lumia 1520 and its working fine on windows 8.1

I tried to check the band of 4g which my network is providing it does support on my phone.

My big question is Windows 10 for mobile does not support 4G at this stage until it is a complete OS or is there something wrong technically which I am not aware of?
My phone is in the latest build of Windows 10 mobile for insiders.

Please guys will appreciate your support on this.

I am from Tanzania and the network is tiGo.
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