Over the past few days I've noticed that I've missed a lot of SMS messages, WhatsApp messages and other notifications. My Lumia 830 hasn't made a noise, lit up the screen or showed any toasts, but when I turn on the screen I find a bunch of things that I've missed.
After testing it for a few days I've found that notifications come through when the screen is on and I'm using the phone, but they do not work when the screen is off and the handset is sleeping (action centre, lock screen and tiles are all updated, but no sounds, vibrations or toasts).
I've tried switching notifications on and off in the settings and also tried a soft reset, but it hasn't worked. I'm guessing its time for yet another hard reset... I'd prefer another solution though if there is one?
After testing it for a few days I've found that notifications come through when the screen is on and I'm using the phone, but they do not work when the screen is off and the handset is sleeping (action centre, lock screen and tiles are all updated, but no sounds, vibrations or toasts).
I've tried switching notifications on and off in the settings and also tried a soft reset, but it hasn't worked. I'm guessing its time for yet another hard reset... I'd prefer another solution though if there is one?