OneDrive stopped syncing, how can I get it to work again?

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Windows Central Question

OneDrive stopped syncing.

Running Windows 7. Installed One drive a week or so ago and I have been syncing since then. Yesterday it seem to stop all together and no icon in the system tray. when I restart One drive it goes through the sign in and says the One-drive folder already exists and want to create a new one. I can connect to the cloud drive manually and see the files that have synced there. How can I get it to use the original, I do not want to speed another 5-7 days uploading the files already there.

Chintan Gohel

Active member
May 23, 2014
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Re: OneDrive stopped syncing.

Running Windows 7. Installed One drive a week or so ago and I have been syncing since then. Yesterday it seem to stop all together and no icon in the system tray. when I restart One drive it goes through the sign in and says the One-drive folder already exists and want to create a new one. I can connect to the cloud drive manually and see the files that have synced there. How can I get it to use the original, I do not want to speed another 5-7 days uploading the files already there.

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