OneNote sync problems


New member
Dec 22, 2015
I have large issues with OneNote for Windows 10 Mobile.

It seems to not want to background sync, has no priority in syncing (cannot tell it to sync the page I need).

In general, it seems not to properly sync any note that has anything more than text and OneNote tags in it.

Any suggestions?
Mine is working well. The issue may not be with OneNote.

What exactly are you syncing (that is not text and OneNote tags)? If they are images that are large in file size, it will take more time than normal.
Mine is working well. The issue may not be with OneNote.

What exactly are you syncing (that is not text and OneNote tags)? If they are images that are large in file size, it will take more time than normal.

Images, files, everything. I have set the settings for "Do not sync files", but doesn't help. I think it might just be frustratingly slow, it was much faster on Windows Phone 8.1 for some reason.

I upgraded my L1520 to Win10. My One Note Notebooks got synchronized the first time onto my mobile. Post then any changes to my notebook and its Pages on the mobile does not sych back the changes neither automatically nor when I explicitly try to synch it. I did not see any resolution in the thread.
Does anyone face the issue and how was it solved.

I have the same problem with my OneNote on Windows 10 Mobile (with my Lumia 950XL). OneNote was always very prompt synching in the background with Windows 8.1 on my Nokia Lumia 930 and older Windows Phones. This is very frustrating... not only it is not an upgrade for me (as I use OneNote a lot) it it now many steps backwards!!! Very very disappointing.

I have tried to hard reset my Lumia 950XL, as suggested by some in other forums, yet to no avail after all the time resetting my phone AGAIN!! So much time wasted and the problem with the slow/not synching issue persists. If anyone has any fixes and solution, please share. Thank you.
I have the same issue... it takes forever to synch my OneNote notebook and some pages remain unsynched!!!
Also been noticing in the past few months OneNote is hit-n-miss with its syncing on my 830/65/950, more miss than anything. If does sync it's anyone's guess when that will happen, we definitely don't have time for that... End up using another platform (Android/iOS) just to keep my sanity.
Oh man, tell me about it. This is what I have found to get things to sync up: you need all three versions of OneNote, Desktop, UWP, Mobile.

1. close out all version of OneNote on ALL devices. If you have to reboot, go for it.
2. Pick a computer with the desktop version. Fire it up and force a sync of all notebooks. Wait for them finish, then do it again. Close the program.
3. On the same computer, fire up the UWP of OneNote about 5-10 minutes after you close out the desktop version. Have it sync all notebooks. This one will take forever for some reason. Again when it finally syncs up, do it one more time. Make sure that all open notebooks are done syncing.
4. Finally fire up the Mobile version on your phone. Again wait another 5-10 minutes before opening up OneNote. Let it sync.

Oddly after doing this, I found that things finally work for a couple of months. When things won't sync up, again, I start the process over. Then I'm good.
Mine is hit and miss. It will sync one day then not the other.

I've added feedback. There are a ton of feeback items.

FWIW, sync works fine from my Galaxy S6

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