Oneplus says "NO intentions of creating a Windows Phone"

Shobin Drogan

New member
Apr 5, 2014
Don't get your hopes up too high as the news on the new Oneplus Windows seems to be untrue. Or is it?
One thing i've learnt from watching TKtechnews is that companies will always try and deny any new phones in the works if the public somehow got their hands on leaked information. However, Oneplus's statement seemed pretty straight forward. Here's what they said to TechnoBuffalo.
"Update: OnePlus reached out to TechnoBuffalo to clarify. The company says it has no intentions of creating a Windows Phone product and that the author of the Economic Times article misunderstood Pei."

OnePlus Windows Phone a Possibility, Exec Says | TechnoBuffalo

What do you think, will this be just Oneplus trying to cover their tracks till the big reveal or do you think it was just false information and no new Windows phone anytime soon.
Seeing this is Windows phone, I personally feel like it could go either way, remember all the high hopes of an LG windows phone? Yeah.
I doubted they'd make one even back when WPC reported they might. Windows Phone is just not popular enough yet for us to reasonably expect high-end phones from other OEM's.

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