Only one NFC tag stopped working

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WPCentral Question

I have two NFC tags that I got from Microsoft Build a couple years ago. They're from Nokia. They both worked and would launch a Nokia webpage. I tried writing to one of them with the Nokia NFC Writer and now, when I try to use it, it makes the NFC noise, but nothing happens. I can't write to it properly. When I put the phone down to write, it just stays on the screen as if it's still waiting for a tag. I tried another app and it just continues to say Waiting for Tag. The other card works just fine reading and writing. I tried writing the exact same thing to that one and it works like a charm. Any ideas what could cause an NFC tag to become corrupt and unusable, yet still detectable in a way? Because again, it makes the NFC noise when the phone is near it, it just doesn't do anything.


New member
Jul 26, 2014
I was the one that posted the above question, but I'm logged in now. In any case, I wanted to add an update. I can use my android tablet to write to the tag and have it open a website. When I then bring that to my phone, the website will open. However, I still can't get it to write to that tag. The android tablet will write to it, but no windows phone writer seems to (i tried nfc launchit and nokia nfc writer).

I also used an NFC reader on the android tablet that gets info about the tag. This is what it says:
Tag type: ISO 14443-3A
Technologies Available: NfcA, Ndef
Serial #: not sure if this is necessary
ATQA: 0x0C00
SAK: 0x00
Header ROM: 0x124C
Data format: NFC Forum Type 1
Size: 3/462 bytes
Writeable: Yes
Can be made read-only: Yes
Record 0: Empty

This was after I used the app to erase it. I tried writing to it again and then performed a read on it to see if it was changing anything and it still had the same info.
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