Our chatbots perform the tasks of 700 people" with better customer ratings: AI takes center stage as a Swedish fintech shrinks its workforce by half


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May 16, 2023
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Sounds like a "Boiler Room" type call center operation.
Those peaked in the '90's and have been declining since.
Humans reading from a common script in response to queries with no skill or reasoning required. Little wonder they can be replaced by a combination of voice recognition, LLM, and text to speech.

No mention of which software they use?
Do you even know if they use MS tools and AZURE?

Also, despite the OP's tone, the linked source clearly says:

"Notably, none of the workforce reductions have been achieved through layoffs. Instead, the company has relied on a combination of natural staff turnover and a hiring freeze implemented last year."

"Natural staff turnover" is a polite way of saying staff quitting a dreary soul-killing and usually low-paying job.

Looking for "evidence" against AI adoption is fine and dandy if it fits your agenda but this particular example is hardly typical. The company involved sounds pretty sleazy to start with, roughly on a par with Payday Loan loansharks, and not an operation that ethical humans should be willingly associated with. Holding it up as an example of AI use is not too different than the typical darknet purveyors of illegal digital content.

Yes, it happens.
And it will continue to happen regardless of law, regulation, or handwringers.
It's not a tech issue but human nature at work.

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