Performance Analysis: Windows 8.1


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May 15, 2014
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Hey guys, everything ok?

Lately I've been watching out my L925 and I have noticed that it ain't smooth as usual.

First, let me set up some ground:
I'm using the latest Windows 8.10.12393.890 (no Developer Preview here);
I'm aware that the old Snapdragon S4 can't pair with the new models - 930 for instance, blew 925 away;
I have almost 40 apps installed, but my daily usage reflects only on internet, newsfeed, social media, instant messaging and a few pics;
I had previously done a few hard resets to see the difference between the clean phone and my setup.

In the last few months I feel like somethings in the system have become slower.
I have been facing slowdowns sometimes: the drop-down notification center or swapping between apps (for example) ain't fluid anymore - note that the slowdowns didn't happen all the time.
In the latest weeks, sometimes when I turn the device on I'm faced with the tiles render delay (in 6 months of use, I have never suffered from it). It seems to me that even the loading screen is getting a bigger time then it used to.

I know that time can be harsh, especially for 1.5-year-old devices. But I still find it a good phone. So I started to wonder how you guys are doing with yours L925. Have anyone faced similar situations, or know some app-related problems?
If anyone on DP wants to share some thoughts about it, it will be nice too (improvements, slowdowns, problems). Every performance related information is good for the discussion. ;-)


New member
May 28, 2014
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Hey guys, everything ok?

Lately I've been watching out my L925 and I have noticed that it ain't smooth as usual.

First, let me set up some ground:
I'm using the latest Windows 8.10.12393.890 (no Developer Preview here);
I'm aware that the old Snapdragon S4 can't pair with the new models - 930 for instance, blew 925 away;
I have almost 40 apps installed, but my daily usage reflects only on internet, newsfeed, social media, instant messaging and a few pics;
I had previously done a few hard resets to see the difference between the clean phone and my setup.

In the last few months I feel like somethings in the system have become slower.
I have been facing slowdowns sometimes: the drop-down notification center or swapping between apps (for example) ain't fluid anymore - note that the slowdowns didn't happen all the time.
In the latest weeks, sometimes when I turn the device on I'm faced with the tiles render delay (in 6 months of use, I have never suffered from it). It seems to me that even the loading screen is getting a bigger time then it used to.

I know that time can be harsh, especially for 1.5-year-old devices. But I still find it a good phone. So I started to wonder how you guys are doing with yours L925. Have anyone faced similar situations, or know some app-related problems?
If anyone on DP wants to share some thoughts about it, it will be nice too (improvements, slowdowns, problems). Every performance related information is good for the discussion. ;-)

If you enable the Childrens Corner and disable again, your phone will go a lot faster, had the same prob

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