Possible Screen issue with my Lumia 640 LTE, how can I fix it?

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Windows Central Question

Possible Screen issue with my Lumia 640 LTE

I have the ATT Go Phone version of the 640 LTE which I have unlocked and am using on a Tmobile network. Twice now, after being in standby when the screen comes back on it has had a wonky appearance, greenish cast and slight negative effect. The first time I powered off and on and this fixed it the second time I manually turned the screen off and back on again and it was fixed.

This is a brand new phone, two weeks old exactly, and the first instance of this was about three days ago, then again today. I have seen a couple of other questions on this but no feedback from anyone yet. Wondering if this is a hardware or software issue and if anyone else is having the same issue/has a solution? I did notice today that there were several app windows open at the time - a chat app - text thread - blogging app - etc. and thought that might have some something to do with it but don't know if that's the case or not.

This is my second WP - had my other for nearly three years and loved it - and this is the only issue I have noticed with the 640, which I otherwise love. thanks in advance for for any feedback to my question.

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