I have seen this "remove spy blabla" that remove onedrive and xbox apps and stuff like that, now tell me why are you removingthat stuff? just don't use it. everything can be disabled, use a local account and be happy.
People seem to worry too much about privacy and they don't seem to care when they used google services, facebook, amazon and other services that can get your data, from sensitive data like credit cards to anonymous data that is used for ads.
People seem to care about privacy so much now with windows 10, but they are on internet writing against Windows 10. I mean, internet is the worst thing if you want privacy. but there are other things that people do and they don't seem to care.
When they throw garbage to a trashcan, do people think nobody can spy on them only with that? or they are anonymous and nobody can track anything back to you? simple things like that that has existed way before Internet were already "privacy concern" but then they worry about anonymous data send to Microsoft to improve services?
That doesn't make sense. especially if they use Android, iOS or Windows Phone, and they use google chrome or firefox and surf the web doing anything, and they fill their facebook with their data and friends and relationships and sharing posts from other people, or using twitter or youtube.
Let's accept it, Microsoft doesn't care about us or what we do, they care about data they can use to improve services from Cortana to Bing to Xbox live to DVR or Apps on store.
I mean, go to a bank thing cash machine, it has cameras in most places now, or a restaurant or a store, parking places or some traffic light places have it too. do you think that's not privacy concern? anyone could see your face, track where you were at what specific time and day. is it a secret anymore anything you do? you are not exactly anonymous in the videos. but people seem to be happy or not care about it.
Last time my sister got married, and some days after I went to bing, Here and google maps to find the best way to share where my house is. to my surprise Google Maps had my sister wedding stuff. she got married here, and even the truck bringing the tables and such was on the google map image, that means it was taken on Thursday or Monday morning.
I can still see the image today, and as you can see, it was easy to track what happened that day on the image.
Government here uses satellite stuff to see if you have done any recen construction or if you have a pool or something to charge more taxes on you. thanks to all these maps and satellites showing whatever they want. at anytime they want.
I know this is a long post, but it's just silly the way people act towards Windows 10, when Windows 8, 7 and Vista, and many software you use already send anonymous data.
Some people complain about it, I know people using 3dsmax legal and illegal, and they probably never disable the send anonymous data option, it's hidden on help menu. but do they think they are safer using Linux, OSX, iOS, Android, or Windows 7, XP or Vista compared to 10? it's not like most software don't send some sort of data already. or when they simply surf the internet as I just mentioned.
I think it's just paranoid. and I think some people are just dramatic only because EULA says it could happen. but it's as in "it may" not as "it will" what if you use OneDrive, or Cortana? it's obvious you have to use internet for those services and the data you can send will not belong to you anymore.
Some people complain about Defender sending suspicious files to Microsoft like if it wasn't the way Antivirus worked before.
People complain about Wifi sense when they don't even understand how it works, and they don't seem to care... they only want to complain even if you explain them as even Daniel Rubino has explained in a video.
People complain about handwriting samples and such, but then... if it doesn't recognize their handwriting, they would say how useless it is.
I see many people are closed minded. and don't try to understand these things. it's not the same if you use Edge with a Microsoft account or without it, with synching features on or off. so it's obvious Windows or Microsoft serves MAY send history to Microsoft servers if you have everything on, Microsoft account with synching features. but it's not data that Microsoft will dig with pop corn and laugh about how you searched for Single ladies or how to enlarge your huhu, or if you can use vacuum cleaner in you wawa, or How to kiss or if I will die because I have an ear infection.
Again if people are that paranoid, they shouldn't do much in this world because anything can be traced back to you. I never understood how companies know the rating of a tv show or how many viewers it has or anything. they do have systems to provide that, and will it send any important data? or you were just a random anonymous point on their systems? yet, people never stopped watching tv.
Again, a long post. but some people are so paranoid and strange... it's just sad in 2015 they complain about privacy on Windows 10, when even before Internet we had no privacy often. and on Windows 10 you can disable more stuff on it. but sometimes it's pure hypocrisy because some people say "oh I hate Windows 10, it's not made for privacy it steals my credit card number and name and they know everything I am doing and typing" (so much BS) "so I will go back to Windows 7, and google chrome is so fast!" so they use google chrome, and use internet to do whatever they want, but they complain about Windows 10? yeah. not exactly it makes sense. it seems people just want to hate on Windows 10.
And find the smallest thing to complain about it, to try to make it fail, to spread FUD so people use other things like Linux, like if Linux actually made your life more private and secure.
When Siri was released or google now, did people bring all this privacy concern to the media? they need feedback too, they need voice samples too, or people think they got better just because Apple and Google used internal people to improve it? but Cortana seems to be evil and bad.
It just feels dumb, that in 2015 some people keep seeking for privacy. when there was shown there is no privacy anymore unless you hide all your life and never use any new technology anymore.