push notification


New member
Oct 11, 2012
hi there.

i broke my 830 and had to buy a new Phone ,, so i bought a 950xl.
the Phone is good but i started to get verry irritated when i came on some apps that i could not get anyore and where not in the store,,
now pushalot is gone while it worke on my 830,, now normaly not big problem cause i look for an other push notification app but guess what ??
not a single app was found ,, yeah i found 2 but they where crap apps and totaly not working ,, so now this could be the final nail to switch to another platform ,, i am verry pissed cause ms apearantly got the app out of the store while it was just working no problem,, so now what option do i have to get push notification on my windows Phone? any options left?
I doubt it was Microsoft who removed the app. Probably the app owners. And what do you mean by "push notifications"?

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apps like pushalot.. prowl growl pushbullet etc..an app where you can send notifications to from you nas for example.
dev is also inactiv i think . but there where some things that needed to change in apps so apearently ms removed it , though the app still worked before it was taken offline,, anyway i cant find another option that works at the moment so if anyone has a tip it woudl be great ..
Based entirely on this conversation, I did a simple search for pushbullet. I have not used this feature before, but from their website: https://www.pushbullet.com/apps

You'll see three different apps listed for Windows 10 Mobile.
So an app specifically to aggregate some notifications that don't have in windows into one place or something?

You mentioned NAS notifications... I just get my nas to email me any notifications, so I would see them in the action center....

What else do you use it for?
Wow, I was using it myself, and I had to Reset my phone because of a problem with Mail, and now I can't find pushalot in the store or thru the site with the link... that sucks!!!

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