Query regarding switching regions


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Hello folks.

I recently had a sudden interest to try out Cortana in my primary phone. So, I performed the usual drill of switching regions, language etc.

After a couple of days, I switched everything back to the way they originally were. But, I don't know why, since then the battery is falling at a staggering rate. 😩 I don't use Bluetooth or cellular data. I am usually on WiFi. I don't play much on my phone.

Anything that I am missing people? Anyway to bring the battery performance back up?

Have you made sure location is switched off? Personally I would let the battery run till its dead then fully charge to recalibrate it. Last night I decided to do an experiment. I charged my phone to 100% and took it off charge but left the phone on. WiFi was off but location was on. Seven and a half hours later... I had 97% battery left (my phone wasn't used as I was sleeping) Try that tonight as a guideline to see if you get the same results
Perhaps I should have mentioned this. I always have Location turned on.

And, I have already tried the full discharge-recharge thing. In fact I do it once every month. But, it didn't better the situation. I have tried soft resetting a number of times. No help there either. This is sad. wp_ss_20141116_0002.pngwp_ss_20141116_0003.png
I changed regions and language packs recently as an experiment to get Cortana to speak English (UK), but it didn't work. I reverted and rebooted with no issues afterwards.

Sounds like you did what you were supposed to do when reverting... Honestly, hard reset is all that comes to mind for me.

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