questions from potential WP7 user


New member
Jun 23, 2011
just a couple of questions from someone who is interested in windows phone 7. please assume I'm asking about a Mango phone. :)

1) how does WP7 handle multiple notifications? what kind of history-keeping does it have? e.g. android notification shade

2) are there any apps that automatically upload full-res pictures to facebook? so you take a picture and as soon as you get a wifi connection, it will start uploading the picture to a album created for/from that app. if not, do the API's allow for something like this to be created?


3) i heard something about a 'paid jailbreak'. what does this mean? it is JUST for sideloading apps? or will it allow apps to modify some locked aspects of that OS like an iphone jailbreak?
1) Just feeds one in after another. They are toast, so you can swipe them away, but when you get like 3 texts all at a time, it can be a little annoying.

2) I don't know about full resolution, but the built in FB up-loader does a fantastic job uploading large, high quality images. I personally would never view an image taken from a crappy camera phone any larger. Maybe if I had a Nokia, that would be different.

3) Dev unlock allows side loading, and with that, apps that can tweak the device. We don't know yet what the paid unlock will have as far as limitations are concerned.
just a couple of questions from someone who is interested in windows phone 7. please assume I'm asking about a Mango phone. :)

1) how does WP7 handle multiple notifications? what kind of history-keeping does it have? e.g. android notification shade

2) are there any apps that automatically upload full-res pictures to facebook? so you take a picture and as soon as you get a wifi connection, it will start uploading the picture to a album created for/from that app. if not, do the API's allow for something like this to be created?


3) i heard something about a 'paid jailbreak'. what does this mean? it is JUST for sideloading apps? or will it allow apps to modify some locked aspects of that OS like an iphone jailbreak?
1. Not all features have been revealed or finalized yet so notification reminders haven't been clarified on fully. Native notifications are stored within the respective app and shown on its live tile. No solution for third party notifications have been discussed.
2. This is available natively after taking a picture you can manually upload it to SkyDrive and/or Facebook or set it to automatically upload right after you take it. As for pictures that were synced through Zune or received in a text or email you'd have to manually upload them through the pictures hub. This feature is currently available too so you don't have to wait for Mango on this one.
3.The paid jailbreak is a Microsoft approved process that is still pending release, to have your device developer unlocked to side load any apps you wish to install (which may allow for functionality that isn't available to regular consumers such as WiFi tether) however it doesn't allow you the luxuries that Microsoft devs have to submit the apps they may have created to the marketplace and other stuff like the apphub stuff, and a lot of other dev related stuff.
Man I wish I could be able to program some apps but I can't even clear my catche on the browser.
1. so i only see the latest notification? if i want to see any more alerts, i need to go to the app that generated it. if the app that generated it doesn't have any way of showing 'alert history' then i could potentially never know that it sent a notification?

2. i was initially under the impression that photos taken with the camera app were automatically uploaded to facebook(and i assumed they were full-res). however, after reading reviews, it seems that photos are only uploaded to skydrive and they are small-picture sized. i know that it is EASY to upload photos to facebook; that is not the same as AUTOMATICALLY uploading to facebook.

my preferable use-case: take a picture in the park out of wifi range. walk to starbucks, sign into their network, and have any unuploaded pictures start syncing to facebook.
Well if you go into the settings, applications, pictures+camera, you can change the default quick upload account to Facebook if you wanted.

But there is no choice on if you send it over wi-fi only or immediately over 3G.

As a safety reminder, make sure to turn off putting the GPS info on the uploaded pics.

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