Qustions about WP7 from a possible convert


New member
Nov 14, 2011
I have been running on android for the past couple years and I have finally had enough of the FC?s, lag, fragmentation issues and other annoying android issues, I haven't touched an MS OS since awhile back on my Samsung Jack so I have a couple questions.

From what I have been reading, doesn?t WP7 pretty much run the same no matter what phone it runs on?
For example, the OS itself would run the same whether it is on the Titan ($200 with upgrade) or the Samsung Focus Flash ($50 with upgrade)?
If so, any suggestions?

Are there any fragmentation issues like Android has?

Finally, if you had a chance to buy a phone with any other OS on it?.would you?

I checked out the WP7 marketplace and all the apps that I currently use on my android phone are there, or a close substitute is there so apps are not an issue to me.

Thank you very much for any responses to this post and have a great day :)

Yes it pretty much runs on all current phones the same although it's a bit snappier running on say the Titan than on my year old Omnia 7. (Understandable although not too much difference)

There's currently no fragmentation. (May change in the future when / if new super dooper handsets arrive)

I moved to WP7 from Iphone and would never go back. (Absolutely love the live tiles and Metro UI)

I have never tried Android because of all the problems my friends have had with it. (Don't like the icons look anyway)

Welcome along to WPC MickeyCeeCT :)
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Thank you WeeBear for the response and the welcome, at the moment I am eyeballing the Focus Flash....incredible price and the 8 gb of storage is not an issue to me so time shall tell but my interest is very high about the OS.

Will report back if I make the move to WP7, this forum may just be one of my new homes.
You're welcome MickeyCeeCT, please do pop back in often, hope you decide on the WP route, you won't be disappointed i'm sure. :)
well i pulled the trigger and picked up a Flash a short time ago, feeling like a kid at christmas here lol
The focus flash, how good is the camera on it? My focus camera is meh, I have to use my brothers iPhone anytime i want to take a pic.
WP7 is awesome and if you don't mind the smaller storage, the Flash should suit you well. Congratulations!
The focus flash, how good is the camera on it? My focus camera is meh, I have to use my brothers iPhone anytime i want to take a pic.

I took 6 photos with the camera....

3 of them came out pretty great by touching the screen to take the photo.

3 of them I used the dedicated camera button to take and they came out ehh ok.

So definitely use the touch screen for taking photos with it.

it is a cloudy day here today but I attached a photo that is quite clear.
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