Redstone 2 features mobile.


New member
Jul 1, 2016
I recently updated to the creators update due to the fact it was feature locked, and I'm struggling to find anything noteworthy. I know that there is EPUB in edge now, a couple of new settings and reworked settings, and a black background for Cortana. Apart from that, everything seems the same, apart from some tiny ui updates. Can somebody please make list of everything that has changed for windows mobile, cos I can't see anything right now. Thanks
Wow. What's the point for a new major update if that is the biggest feature? Redstone 3 better be better.
I hope too. But I think Windows 10 Mobile is a thing of the past and Windows 10 with CShell will be a decent mobile OS. This is like a reboot for windows phones and that is way W10M is only polished.
Ah wait, I found a new feature. A new notification sound. Yay!

Seriously though, I do hope windows 10 mobile is still in Microsoft's future plans, but I agree with you that the chances are, it is on it's last limbs. It's annoying as well, cos if they release windows on arm, my 650 won't be able to support it cos of it's weak processor ( what genius thought they should add a snapdragon 212 instead of 410. Sigh)
Groove wont uninstall from my 950. Hangs up on start and stays there.
I'm happy if it's more just backend/bugs speed improvements update before adding features. My 930 is pretty snappy feeling on RS2, looking forward to see how it behaves on my 950XL
I was thinking of something this morning.

I went to Starbucks and used my Galaxy S6 to pay, as the Starbucks app on my Elite X3 (and 950xl) stopped working some updates ago.

So, with the new Snapdragon 835, supposedly one will be able to run W32 apps in emulation. Since project Astoria is history, I wonder if we'd be able to run something like a W32 Android emulator like Bluestacks (Bluestacks - Android Emulator for PC and Mac - Play, Stream, Watch) on the phone and have Android apps run.
I was thinking of something this morning.

I went to Starbucks and used my Galaxy S6 to pay, as the Starbucks app on my Elite X3 (and 950xl) stopped working some updates ago.

So, with the new Snapdragon 835, supposedly one will be able to run W32 apps in emulation. Since project Astoria is history, I wonder if we'd be able to run something like a W32 Android emulator like Bluestacks (Bluestacks - Android Emulator for PC and Mac - Play, Stream, Watch) on the phone and have Android apps run.

So in other words....... run an emulation in an emularion.........emseption :-)
I was thinking of something this morning.

I went to Starbucks and used my Galaxy S6 to pay, as the Starbucks app on my Elite X3 (and 950xl) stopped working some updates ago.

So, with the new Snapdragon 835, supposedly one will be able to run W32 apps in emulation. Since project Astoria is history, I wonder if we'd be able to run something like a W32 Android emulator like Bluestacks (Bluestacks - Android Emulator for PC and Mac - Play, Stream, Watch) on the phone and have Android apps run.
I was thinking of something this morning.

I went to Starbucks and used my Galaxy S6 to pay, as the Starbucks app on my Elite X3 (and 950xl) stopped working some updates ago.

So, with the new Snapdragon 835, supposedly one will be able to run W32 apps in emulation. Since project Astoria is history, I wonder if we'd be able to run something like a W32 Android emulator like Bluestacks (Bluestacks - Android Emulator for PC and Mac - Play, Stream, Watch) on the phone and have Android apps run.

I dont even want to see how such a thing would perform

but it probably wont work at all, bluestacks uses some deep x86 code to run, and preferably virtualization for at least decent enough performance, and then you see how much resources it takes to run anything, you would need at least 6gb ram, w10m is not x64 yet for some reason, so expect the worst, you're better off leaving it running in your home pc and using it through remotedesktop or something
I really do wish they would have made a few things on Redstone 2 like the whole overhaul of Continumm and at least make notification senter look like it countarpart. The plain balck gets boring :( and just so much more and the lockscreen could use so much more info espcieally when like me with a 950 big screen for lockscreen yet not much info on it. Don't get me wrong I like a clean look though some info be nice too. :)

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