Rejoining the Surface family (or how I learned to stop worrying and love this sale)


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I haven't been a part of the Surface family since the Surface 2. I didn't plan on buying one since I already have a 2-in-1 laptop but I couldn't resist this Best Buy eBay deal (And shame on you if you missed this on the front page!). I saved almost $84 on the $549 model. If you're on the fence about buying either model, then you should definitely take advantage of this promotion. That's some significant savings on a brand new product. I have no idea when stock runs out or this sale ends. The device should be here in about a week or so. Gotta grab a screen protector in the meantime. Hopefully there are some properly fitting protectors on Amazon/eBay.
Woohoo! Surface finally arrived today. I immediately attached my screen protector... which didn't go as planned. Because while I was super duper carefully placing it down, doctor butter fingers here almost dropped the screen protector. Now I have like 5 super tiny bubbles, but they're too small to really worry about and can't be seen when the screen is on anyway. So far I'm pretty impressed with the device.

Admittedly, I was expecting it to feel faster (not that it's slow or anything), but my laptop has a 7th gen i5 and an SSD. In comparison the Go is noticeable slower, but again, not slow.

The screen protector does take away from a bit of the allure of the device, and doesn't feel as good as touching the screen. But my previous tablet is a Lenovo Yoga (which I still have), and I got just the tiniest of scratches on the screen... never again! I'd rather have a slightly lame looking device than a scuffed up one. I guess it's more of a minor pet peeve to me.

Sometimes the touch screen seems unresponsive. A bit of that I chalked up to store app downloads and Windows updates. Now I'm wondering if it's the device or the screen protector. (Or my impatience because I'm used to my laptop)

And of course I immediately unlocked Windows Home. Though I primarily plan on using Edge, I still need Chrome for work because all my job related bookmarks are synced there. And, of course, Firefox as my backup browser. I also have several work related apps that I need to download. The Go is going to be a great replacement for my Dell XPS 13 when I'm on the go. Usually when I'm out I need access to information more than I need a hulky 15 inch Dell.
That's great. I'm glad you're liking the Go. I'm certainly tempted. I haven't owned a Surface product since the original RT, and I must confess, I loved that thing. Keep us posted on how your experience goes, please.

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