Good for Remedy.
In an age of digital publishing (games, music, books) the middleman publisher is reduced to financing and promotion and on an established franchise a prosperous developer has little need of a middleman. (How much promotion will CONTROL 2 need? A PR release and a trailer?)
The technical term is disintermediation and Remedy has enough market presence they can go Indie and deal directly with the platform stores and, maybe, LIMITED RUN GAMES.
As long as they maintain the game quality and can self-fund their projects they'll do best as their own bosses. And there's always crowd funding as a fallback.
In the book world, Brandon Sanderson is doing 4 books via Kickstarter and in 3 days raised $15M and ended up at over $40M.
Expect to see more established developers with marketable franchises hang on to the core IP and self publish.